"Some people are gay. Get over it," Péter Ungár recalls the slogan of a gay organization in connection with Pride month, and then adds that, in his opinion, this is not a primarily important social issue.
"It's Pride month, so the usual cultural warrior theme is at its peak. This cultural battle will be one of the main issues of the Hungarian public during the Pride parade in Budapest, here everyone will have the opportunity to classify themselves as either the only good person in the true western sense or the only brave anti-mainstream, based on taste, family background and circle of friends » everything used to be better" for a revolutionary.
Although my situation is special in this regard, I still think it is worthwhile to strive for the debate on sexual minorities in our country to move towards public agreement on at least basic matters.
(…) People are either men or women. Non-binary people do not exist.
Anyone who believes that long ago men were still men does not know how they dressed in the eighteenth century, that no one thought that pink was the color of little girls before the twentieth century, and that one thing is certain in fashion, that it is always changing.
If it's the West. In 2007, there was a campaign in Great Britain, the essence of which was that a gay organization posted posters around the country saying "Some people are gay. Get over it.« (Some people are gay. Get Over it.)
I think that would be the best for everyone. Some people are gay. This does not cost anyone their entire life, it is not a primarily important social issue at any level. Let's get over it. Let's go.”