I don't know if they have read enough about sensitization. Hardly, because the people responsible for this still perceive that we are not sensitive enough, since not a day goes by without the press reporting on this important activity.

In case anyone doesn't know, it's a buzzword that entered the public consciousness not too long ago and very quickly had a big career. The main culprits are the activists of the increasingly perverted Western society, who put their lives (and probably the money of those behind them) on the line to convince us, insensitive, anti-human beings, that the LGBTQ community, which is sexually perverted but manifests itself in every moment of their lives, is under It is our duty to love, support and tolerate those who belong to us, the poor unfortunate criminal migrants, as well as all kinds of other "otherness". And with great understanding. No matter how stupid, disgusting, criminal, provocative, etc. they are.

They are also not bothered by the fact that, for example, Hungarian society took note of it a long time ago, indeed there are plenty of such phenomena, but they just don't want to have to read and hear about this topic and these people every day, almost every moment of their lives. But sensitizers do not rest. They were not satisfied with the fact that for at least five years there has been almost no newspaper or magazine that does not deal with this "excessive" problem, and the press is full of it these days.

If only because the provocateurs work brilliantly. They have to announce to the world what is happening in gender matters every day. These days we were forced to learn that a man in the Netherlands became the most beautiful woman of the year. It is also recent news that in Germany there is an institutionalized attempt to corrupt children, in several kindergartens they would lead the children to the so-called undressing room so that they can get to know the other gender in the middle of their sexual play.

In order not to be left out of the good, we also have a pedophile scandal, because vile people forced children between the ages of 3 and 12 - by beating and violence - to subject themselves to sexual torture. And the disgusting creatures - some even have something to do with the Hungarian parliament - even took their actions on video.

By the way, this kind of sensitizing people enjoy a lot of respect today, at least in the cultured West, and the press also supports them on a large scale. So, if we want it, if we don't

we become part of every event that sensitizers bring to our attention.

I wrote about this phenomenon myself 3-4 years ago, namely on the occasion that a famous German photographer - on behalf of elegant newspapers - was able to visit the largest cities on Earth to capture the life of the metropolises. (An enviable job, let's face it.) That's how he got to India. Well, this talented man has already been so sensitized that in his writing announcing his photo album, he informed the interested parties that he wanted to present the life of this infinitely diverse Indian society, which is very ancient and at the same time extremely modern.

He hastened to add that he was not picky: he was interested in old, young, transgender and strict, turban-wearing gentlemen, shepherds and businesswomen alike. Well, knowing India even a tiny bit, I would have a hard time believing that you would have found the same proportion of transgender people there as strict turbaned gentlemen. However, he had already been sensitized, so his book suggested that the mentioned two "types" represent the great India in the most natural way in the world, and this phenomenon cannot be left out of a book in line with the zeitgeist.

Thus, it is possible to skew and give a distorted picture of a world that is very different from ours. But let's be more sensitive! I leave it up to you who should be sensitized in this case and how. I'm probably wrong, but we should stop reporting all the bullshit. Don't get me wrong! I am not referring to the most severe cases falling under the category of criminal cases. But to

it shouldn't be a world sensation if an idiot with an itch to stand out, who was born a man, now competes in a female beauty pageant. And that makes him instantly world famous.

We cover ourselves up if we dwell on such matters for a long time. We have been doing this for quite a few years now. We were overwhelmed by the tabloid world, and I hardly believe that we should be proud of that. Rather, we should be careful not to enroll our children in a kindergarten such as the German kindergarten mentioned above that I found in today's news.

There is no need to criticize the given state because of such phenomena, let everyone deal with their own environment.

If such a kindergarten becomes depopulated, we have already done something to ensure that we do not even get close to the sensitizers, let alone in their grasp. If we don't tell stories about men competing in women's beauty pageants, then we haven't added fuel to the fire. And let them have fun in their own aberrant company. I really wrote about these creatures showing themselves and about sensitization last time.