Anna Donáth can also read the public opinion polls, which for months have been reporting on the ever-increasing left-wing superiority of the "Big Brother", the DK. It was necessary to quickly say something encouraging on Facebook to prove Momentum's raison d'être: "It is thanks to Momentum's Olympic campaign that the Hungarian state has not yet gone bankrupt this year. This is not an exaggeration, nor is it bragging. It's a fact. The 2017 Olympic campaign proved to be a national savior."

"It is thanks to Momentum's Olympic campaign that the Hungarian state has not yet gone bankrupt this year. This is not an exaggeration, nor is it bragging. It's a fact. The 2017 Olympic campaign proved to be a national savior.

Momentum achieved this by saying that the country is not preparing for a gigantic money-sucking Olympics. Something that bankrupted Greece in the 2000s and set back its development for a decade.

The half-year deficit of the Hungarian budget approached HUF 3,000 billion. Even according to the most conservative estimates, the government's megalomaniacal dream, the 2024 Budapest Olympics, would have cost the country at least this much. And we should have paid most of the costs in the previous years, which were hit by crises.

While the government announces a series of cuts every month, and there is so much money that they are considering cutting family benefits. They would slaughter the sacred cow of government policy just to get money. Imagine what the situation would be like if we had spent 3,000 billion on the Olympics in the meantime?

Let's be clear: hosting the Olympics would have bankrupted the Hungarian state. The fact that this has not happened yet is thanks to Momentum's national rescue campaign. That is why I believe that it makes sense to fight for Hungary's future.

Because there is a way out of the current crises. We are still working on this at Momentum."