The authors of the reports are typically persons who are unilaterally critical of Hungarian media relations, or employees of such organizations.

Objective errors, methodological inconsistency and one-sidedness can also be seen in several reports analyzing media relations published by international organizations - the study entitled Evaluation of media freedom reports by the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) contains.

In their announcement, they write: media relations in Hungary have been analyzed by countless international organizations in recent years.

The National Media and Communications Authority supports all initiatives aimed at a professional assessment of the situation of media freedom and pluralism. As a responsible regulatory body, it therefore considers it its task to raise awareness

to the professional and methodological concerns arising in the reports

they said.

The degree of balance and thus the reliability of the reports is reduced - they continued - by the fact that the authors of the reports are typically unilaterally critical of Hungarian media relations, or employees of such organizations.

And professional opinions different from the position they represent are usually omitted from the published documents.

Attention was drawn to the fact that the study, which can be downloaded from the NMHH website, contains a detailed analysis of the reports concerning Hungary by Freedom House, Reporters Without Borders, and the Media Pluralism and Media Freedom Center. Finally, they emphasized:

the authority trusts that with its constructive criticism it will contribute to the creation of more professionally grounded and balanced reports on Hungarian media relations in the future.

The NMHH's reports on media freedom and the media market are available at the following links:


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