Our pride! You are our gold reserves! It is an old truth that the money and energy invested in the talent of our children is in the best place, because it pays off many times over.

Everything that happened last week from Wednesday to Sunday was a real school example, since

we managed to win five world championship golds in five Olympic events in five days.

And the fact is that a year from now, during the Paris Olympics, we could count five such dazzling days as a resounding success! Let's rock a little more in the joys caused by world-famous successes,

we celebrate our young and talented, hard-working and faith-filled youth, because they confirm the raison d'être of our classic values ​​and give meaning to the tax forints invested in sports.

Anyone who has had the opportunity to see Máté Koch's darkly glowing gaze up close, as it was given to me during a previous interview, must have felt that there is an unstoppable force in this young man that is just waiting for the right opportunity to finally break out. This moment has arrived in Milan: Máté Koch, beating the field, has reached the top among the individual duelists!

We should have celebrated Máté for days when Hubert Kós beat the 200 backstroke field in the wet race in Fukuoka!

We knew that Hubi had a lot of reserves, he also felt that he needed someone who could bring out the best of all the work that he and Zoltán Magyarovits had done in the past ten years at home -

and then the American miracle coach, Bob Bowman, shook his top hat to pull out the ticket for the 200 back race instead of a bunny. We have the race number suitable for victory! All it took was Hubert Kós himself, and a brutal, literally stomach-churning hard swim, to give birth to our newest Hungarian swimming world champion!

The male swordsmen - there is no better word for it - did a miracle! 

In the series, they defeated Korea, the four-time world champion, the country rich in minerals, which, ten years ago, spared no money, no effort, no analysis, and rewrote the very essence of the men's sword discipline. With their jumps, their asparagus-like bursts that put gymnasts to shame, and their reaction time reminiscent of speed footage, they occupied the top of the podium until last Friday. Because then our golden team, the quartet of Szilágyi-Decsi-Szatmári-Gémesi, our musketeers, came to prove: yes, there is a "so holy will" with which the desired goal can be achieved, if they invest so much work, so much energy and faith in the to the promotion of our own knowledge!

Áron Szilágyi's closing ace was a soul-lifting symphony, there is simply NO bigger figure in this sport in the world at the moment.

The men's sword team is world champion

If we mentioned a symphony in the men's swordsmen, then we can't think of anything other than the fact that "the sea rose" during the men's water polo final in Fukuoka, and it pushed the Hungarian national team to the five-meter penalties with such waves that the least it did was lift while our stomach. Fortunately, the Hungarian goalkeeper Vogel Soma didn't have to worry about anything, in fact, his nerves calmed down perfectly for these minutes - he saved four penalties out of seven! But the fact that Vogel saved eight of the 12 five-meter shots in the straight elimination phase of the World Cup is perhaps even more telling.

Greek drama in the water: the Hungarian men's polo team became world champions

What could reside in this baby-faced shooter, where does this enviable self-confidence, knowledge, and will come from?

Well, that's where the captain Zsolt Varga, who caressed the water of the pool even before the final, draws his strength from - from that humble, merciless work ethic, from that humane, emotional, almost father-son relationship and mutual respect, thanks to which former during the past decade, our champions have matured first into youth and club coaches, and later into federation captains. The gold medal won again after ten years was so good not only because it simply became ours, or because it put an authenticating stamp on the success story of a new era, but also because of the way we got it: not even in Hollywood could you write a more sumptuous script for the end of such a series!

It's as if the same flow was caught by our fencing girls a few thousand kilometers away in Milan! The women's final was a living example of how what happened in Cairo last year was not a one-off or some sort of miracle. The women's quartet of Pusztai-Battai-Szűcs-Márton was not only able to recover from a very significant disadvantage, but thanks to a perfectly timed substitution, after last year's slap in the face, they again spectacularly defeated the French!

Long live the girls, the Hungarian women's sword team is world champion again!

This could only be solved by doing it all again next year in front of the Paris audience!