There are people who, in order to fulfill their own ambitions, do their work beyond their status and authority.

Such behavior in the field of diplomacy can disrupt relations between states. It is perhaps not by chance that the great majority of Hungarians believe that Mr. Ambassador is on the wrong track. He seems to be trying to force his political beliefs on our civilians. Moreover, based on his partisanship, he does not sympathize with the two-thirds majority of Hungarian voters. It does this by occasionally acting as an open supporter of opposition parties.

This idea is wrong even if you prefer to flirt with the opposition, as it can be suitable for disintegrating the relationship between our states. It is also not appropriate to use the authority of the United States in such a way as to turn the international perception of our legitimate government in an unjust direction.

It would be worthwhile for Mr. David Pressman to think about how, during the time of his predecessor, David B. Cornstein helped the realization of our common political and economic interests between our countries. CÖF-CÖKA's supporting membership and intellectual patriots are always supporters of peace and peacefulness. We demonstrate this by organizing peace marches and making our views public. We believe that the war resulting from Russian aggression can only end with a cease-fire and then with the conclusion of peace.

For your consideration, we recommend that the Ambassador pay attention to the frequent political changes in the world, and also think about the future. Don't question our alliance and sympathy with the West and the USA, proven over many years. Respect the freedom of the press and do not want to control the media.

You can see that the people of Hungary can speak freely, but we want to preserve our sovereignty at all costs. In this way, people's party choice and the free ideological content of their thinking are guaranteed. There is no need for the proselytizing role of embassies.

Let's trust the sane actions and consensus-seeking steps of our legitimate governments.

In support of what we have to say, we would like to quote a Hungarian proverb: "Let the cobbler stay at the cutting board!"

László Csizmadia
is the chairman of the CÖF-CÖKA board of trustees