Beachgoers in Croatia were bitten by turtles on the island of Ciovo, which is also popular with Hungarians.

The Croatian press reported on turtles attacking bathers in the past few days, when a woman was bitten by an animal on the Dalmatian island of Ciovo, and a few days later a man said that he was barely able to escape from an aggressive reptile.

According to the report of the Croatian news portal, the back of the woman vacationing on the island of Ciovo was bitten by the turtle, and the wound was so severe that the mark of the bite had to be sewn up.

A few days later, a man became aware of an attacking, aggressive turtle weighing about 50 kilograms while playing with his six-month-old child in the water.

According to experts, it may be a mock turtle, which lives in large numbers in the Adriatic Sea, but only attacks when it feels threatened. He only swims into shallow water when he is in trouble.

False pot turtles can grow up to two meters long, and their weight can exceed 500 kilograms. Their strong claws are bent in the middle like a hook, so they are capable of inflicting a serious wound.