Mother of 4 children, space researcher, university professor, local government representative (she resigned from this function because she took the place of the deceased István Bajkai in the parliament), ministerial commissioner, meanwhile as a politician she is a regular participant in various debate programs - any "area" wants a complete person. However, Orsolya Ferencz undeniably meets all the challenges.

Almost everyone thinks about you about space exploration, but I don't ask about that. Recently, as a guest of the Civil Academy , he talked about this in detail, the recording made there can be viewed back. I'd rather be curious, how do you fit the listed various tasks into 24 hours? On the other hand, I don't know how it is possible to fully comply in these many areas?

The truth is that the Good Lord gave strength, help and support for all the tasks that life threw at me. But this is not a one man show. We can work with my fellow politicians or professional actors supporting each other. I would like to believe that the kind of maximalism that characterized my parents' work is somewhat characteristic of me as well. I believe that when a person does something, he does it to the best of his ability.

Local government representation, on the other hand, is not about the work of the community helping each other, but about political battles...

A person will not be a representative against something or someone, but for someone, the electorate. They honored me three times by giving me an individual mandate to enter the representative body. I consider it the most natural thing that I belong to them, even to those who did not vote for me, but are part of the same community. We have to fight for them, not against political opponents.

Okay, but with four kids to raise…

I never saw my children as work, so I never felt, as it is so fashionable to say these days, that there will be no time left for "private life", no time left for myself when I have children, and even those who have children can say goodbye to happiness. The tabloids are full of such high-sounding but harmful and ultimately false headlines. It's not like this. I think that the greatest achievement of my life, or what I am most proud of, are my four children, and I am incredibly happy that God allowed them to be born and that I can be their mother. Of course, this does not mean that motherhood is not tiring at times. Anyone who has a garden and loves their flowers knows that they are beautiful, but it is hard, sweaty work to take care of those rose stems so that the plant has beautiful flowers. You have to invest energy in everything in life to get results. Raising children is also obviously tiring, this cannot be disputed.

But it was never in my mind that it would be a competition and you have to choose between work and family.

I am very proud of my children. My oldest daughter is a cardiology resident, her second quarter at medical school, and my son has just graduated and is on his way to becoming an engineer. Only my youngest, 15-year-old daughter will have to find where she is going in life...

Was she a strict mother or a permissive one?

You should ask my children that. I tried to be consistent, sometimes I succeeded, sometimes not.

As long as a person does not have children, he has many educational theories, and when he has children, he does not have a single theory, because every child is different. A method works for one, but not for the other. There is no uniform solution.

In retrospect, it is easy to judge what we did well and what we did not. At the age of 60, 70, 80, a person is already very wise, and then he should return to the body of his twenties, and then we could do everything much better. But I hope I didn't screw it up that badly.

He is always smiling, always looking cheerful. However, I have never seen him as angry as when he was asked about the court verdict on a TV program, which I also think was outrageous.

Yes, that was a very penetrating decision. For those who don't know, the story is about the fact that, according to the court ruling, men called transwomen, who are born male and somehow imagine and call themselves women, can retire after 40 years of employment in the same way as real women. In this case, it is clear that it is not an oppressed minority, but an aggressive, socially disruptive group that tries to destroy the order of nature and uses any means to do so. Let's nail down what even Péter Ungár, who cannot be called a conservative, said: there are only women and men, there are no non-binary people, there is no genderfluid form of existence.

These are imaginations, these are mental states, to put it bluntly. Those circles that rebel and riot against the laws of nature do so consciously, because they want to create some kind of superhuman person, a transhuman, a posthuman person, they want to play god. They rebel against the established order.

This is not new in history either, there are plenty of examples of people and political systems that imagine themselves to be gods. I am a Roman Catholic, a believer. I am pointing out that belief in God is indeed compatible with science. The lives of great geniuses prove that faith and science are not mutually exclusive.

The progressive forces are rebels against God's order, wrapping their delusions in seemingly scientific expressions for propaganda purposes. In fact, they are the most unscientific company, similar to those who believe in the flat earth, only with political and economic power behind them.

They also use the concept of "hetero-normative sexuality", while there is no hetero or homo normative. There is normativity and that is heterosexuality. It is worth reading Grégor Puppinck's work: Inhuman rights, how left-wing pseudoscientific ideas consciously reshape public perception. (The book discusses how post-World War II human rights, which originated from natural law, were transformed into "unnatural" rights that are spread violently today and stem from individualism - ed.)

So according to you, and I share your opinion, in the aforementioned lawsuit, an aggressive minority is demanding rights that are not theirs.

Exactly. How much did this pension benefit originally cost? To recognize the outstanding work women undertake in the organization of society, the foundation of society, running the family, caring for the elderly, raising children, and social activities. After all, a much greater burden is typically placed on them during these than on men. However, it is not by chance that this is called invisible work, since it does not appear during payroll. So this is a gesture and acknowledgment towards women, expressed by the Orbán government's decision. A big thank you, a virtual bouquet of flowers, which Hungarian women fully deserve. But how could someone who is not a woman, but a man who only thinks of himself as a woman, be a part of this discount? This is an attempt to erase the female gender. Many decades, but rather centuries, of women's struggle has led to the point where they have largely succeeded in becoming equal with men legally and according to society's judgment, what is happening now?

The cancel culture, the culture of cancellation, is coming, and it wants to cancel women's rights as well. What they were fiercely fighting for at one moment suddenly became something to be pursued. Orwellian turn at its best!

As they say, I have been young for a long time to know their methods, the Bolsheviks and the Nazis worked the same way. Even in those dictatorships, there were words that were not allowed to be said and some that had to be repeated. There were events, things that were forbidden to celebrate, and those that were mandatory. Thank you very much, but we don't want to experience this again! Neither us nor our children. Those. and those who want to bring back this very thing call themselves progressives, even though they repeat a lesson from a hundred years ago, which has been repeatedly failed, over and over again.

That is why I claim that the real freedom fighter, the real revolutionary and the modern man in the good sense is a conservative today.

Yes, but in our beloved union, things are different today. You know, we men also won the right to give birth. Theoretically.

Yes, this madness was actually voted by the European Parliament, so good luck with that. It roughly matches the level of the majority of the European Parliament today. It's like someone took the Monty Python scenes seriously. It is almost unfathomable that anyone could seriously think that. But the reality is that, whether you like it or not, no one will ever replace women in the delivery room, because childbirth was designed or given to women by nature. No matter how much a man reshapes himself, he remains only a man with a shape that remotely resembles a woman, not to mention genetics. The madness that is destroying you now has gone to the point where the biggest progression is if you transform yourself into, say, a dragon, an armchair, or a small animal. You don't even have to be a person anymore, you can be anything. This issue should not belong to politics, but to medical sciences.

It really seems that some non-existent circles would also "operate" the normality out of everyone.

The figures who rise above this propaganda were once not allowed to roam free. Zsolt Bayer aptly expressed this by saying that nice, smiling people in white coats walked with them in well-kept parks and tried to keep them calm. Certain circles, with the help of their press and all possible means of propaganda, would encourage the European man not to have children, to tie the knot, to sterilize himself, because that is great. Abortion is not a sad and tragic event, but a right to be celebrated, and the fetus is something that can be freely destroyed.

Think about it, killing a fetus in the womb is a festive event according to left-wing crazies. The same act outside the mother's womb is, however, according to the law, murder. This contradiction cannot be resolved on a logical basis, so the left drowns out the sane voices with a violent frenzy.

They treat your society with such nonsense as that the child leaves behind a huge biological footprint that damages the environment. They are working to wipe out European people, independent countries, and culture. Meanwhile, millions of migrants are pouring into Europe. Masses of people who, based on previous experiences, cannot and do not want to integrate. Of course, the real goal is widely denied and they talk about the need to maintain the labor market. While the activity in this area is the lowest in this layer. No problem, the point is to replace European citizenship.

Of course, it is a fact that most of the countries of Europe have been striving towards extinction for a long time. Refusal to have children leads to a demographic catastrophe.

The goals were defined by the Hungarian government, families simply need to be supported. As has been said several times, having children should not be equated with poverty. It is a priority to have the children that the parents want. We have not yet reached the goal we wanted to achieve, i.e. the increase of the birth rate to 2.1, but we have managed to move away from the deadlock. If Europe had embarked on this path say 20 years ago, perhaps it would be a more balanced and happy place. Instead, it's better not to talk about where you are now. As I said, the left-wing progressive goal is complete population exchange, and this cannot be accepted by a patriotic Christian. Our values ​​can be summed up in three words: God, home, family. And this includes the protection of life.

This is why we get the absurd accusation that we want to force women to give birth.

We don't want to force anyone to do anything, we just want to help. In any way possible. When someone goes to the point of killing their fetus, it is usually a desperate move. These women, these women need help. In many cases, they don't even want the abortion, but others force them to do it, or they just don't know what such an intervention involves and only then crumble under the weight of the tragedy. Anyone who wants to divert attention from this is simply anti-women and anti-life. We do not want to force anyone to do anything, the right to decide is free. A conservative person does not want to be a dictator. A conservative person wants a fair order based on freedom. We want expectant mothers to be able to get to know all aspects of the decision. They know the weight of their decision. That's fair.

It is not necessary to deceive people, but to help them learn about the real situation and possibilities. We must give all help to those who find themselves in such a situation to decide to choose life. They need to understand that in the vast majority of cases, all solutions are better, not only for the fetus, but also for the mother.

Legislators also have a huge responsibility, because they have to approach the case with responsibility and appropriate empathy. Progressives mistakenly call abortion a human right, while the fetus's right to life cannot be mentioned. No one on the left talks about what children have a right to, only that some people supposedly have a "right to children". What did it take for us to sink this far?

They loosen the concept of human rights, rewrite and remove human rights from natural rights. Real rights are no longer mentioned by anyone, in fact they are trampled underfoot, while they destroy human destinies in the name of false rights.

This definition of "right to a child" tells me that the child is treated as an object, like a commodity.

This is characteristic of a hedonistic, egoistic person. He sees himself as a god who does what he wants with his own body and everyone else's as well. Free choice extends until that other life is conceived. At the same time, you shouldn't bash anyone, even if you don't support abortion as a good solution. We need to help prevent women from being forced to make decisions, that is, we should try to provide answers to the problems that arise, help expectant mothers through difficult life situations.

It very much seems that the defenders of life are losing against violent anti-life efforts. What is hope? Is there hope?

I wouldn't consider that. Our history proves that even hopeless battles can be won. We can talk about the defense of Eger from the striker from Bratislava, or even about the 1956 revolution, which was apparently lost, but still won in the long run.

If we had always considered whether it was worth fighting the overwhelming force, then Hungary and the Hungarian nation would no longer exist. This is the case with many of our struggles, and as I said, the real revolutionary today is a conservative.

I can say what Rákóczi says: if God is with us, then who is against us? The biggest question today is not whether God is with us, but rather whether we are with God. What does God say to what I do, think or confess? Because that's the only thing that matters.

Author: György Tóth Jr

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Orsolya Ferencz: I will go to the Peace March because...