- The negotiations aimed at enforcing the agreement between the capital city and the government containing the conditions for the hosting of the World Athletics Championships were concluded last night - Gergely Karácsony highlighted in his recent Facebook post. As he wrote,  

"Last night, Minister Gergely Gulyás confirmed in writing, with the authorization of the Prime Minister, that the government will comply with the agreement. In the case of projects where investments have been left unfinished, the necessary contracts will be concluded out of sequence, and professional negotiations will begin regarding the division of the remaining framework from the agreement."

The mayor thanked Gergely Gulyás and Balázs Fürjes, the co-chairmen of the World Cup organizing committee, for their activity in the matter.

According to his formulation, the essence of the agreement concluded at the end of 2019 is simple: the athletics world championship should not only be a stadium construction and a one-time sports event, but part of urban development that results in a healthier Budapest. Among other things, the government undertook to build a sports park for mass sports in Ferencváros, and for five years, the district's health institutions will receive HUF 10 billion in development support.

A few days ago, the mayor and Krisztina Baranyi, accompanied by Balázs Fürjes, mayor of Ferencváros, met with Sebastian Coe, president of the International Athletics Federation.

Previously, however, the left wing in the capital had used the sporting event as a political trump card since 2019, and in recent weeks Gergely Karácsony even threatened to organize a demonstration in front of the athletics stadium on the opening day. Fidesz of Ferencváros was previously informed that the municipality of Ferencváros requested and received fifty free tickets for the World Athletics Championship. All this while the left wing in the capital has continuously blackmailed the government by canceling the World Cup since its victory in the local government elections in 2019.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Cover photo: Magyar Építő Zrt.