Speaking in the language of sports, our government and the Hungarian people are constantly in a match. The communist and "socialist" rule imposed on us for several decades hardened our patience, without breaking our ability to resist.

Our immune system was strengthened by the Judas gang of corrupt politicians in both the East and the West, who do not shy away from treason. See Károlyi, Rákosi, Kádár, Gyurcsány.

The opponents of the Hungarians are pro-war. Peaceful societies are attacked from within and without, and forced to resist. In this regard, we can also refer to years, e.g. 1919, 1956, 1989, 2010.

We are currently experiencing a similar situation again. Fortunately, with an important difference, the center of which is the one-way will of the majority of our nation. This is how our new Basic Law was born, which is based on the protection of our nation and our traditions. It is based on the millennia-old lessons of European Judeo-Christian culture and is able to preserve its achievements. The Hungarians appealing to the Western world chose forever during the reign of our King St. Stephen and became Christians in their faith. We built defensive bastions, and for centuries, if necessary, we fought hard for our host community. Let's do it now.

We became an ally in NATO and the European Union. The Trianon and Paris peace treaties are the I. and II. After the Second World War, they became our teachers with their consequences. We believe that the European continent can no longer be the focal point of world wars.

Nobody can force Hungary to go to war, our social stability exceeds the statement of our great poet, i.e. "we will no longer be a ferry country". We insist that Europe's task as the guardian of peace is to build bridges between continents. In addition to preserving the strength of our faith, we respect those who follow other religions.

Classical democracy is the sovereign right of nations, taking into account the necessary differences. The conclusion of alliances serves the defensive protection of a community, it cannot be of an offensive nature.

We don't buy cars to crash into other people either. Roads that can be used for traffic are needed, guaranteeing each other's safety. Thus, the goods of the world economy can be mutually exchanged according to the moral rules of the general public good.

The founders and dreamers of the European Union defined their idealism, the primacy of economic relations, and their starting point was Christian morality. According to their belief, their ideological ideas related to party policies were subordinated to the leading role of the common good, they believed that they were meant to serve all the inhabitants of the world.

List the attacks on Europe. A flood of illegal migrants with new immigrants. A COVID epidemic with a decimation of the population. Bleeding the countries of Europe by forcing them into the Russo-Ukrainian war and war sanctions. Hanging energy crisis and inflation around our necks. To put it bluntly, it's nothing. We just have to endure it.

We received black angelic help. Those who carry everything are the money tycoons behind the Democratic Party of the United States. After the Western colonization of the previous centuries, they published the export of democracy, which has the same goal.

The idea imagined as a great trick was supplemented by the fact that the peoples of Europe were singled out for its implementation. They introduced the practice of the principle of "divide and rule" through a sham federal policy.

We can speak of stable societies when those who live in them not only see the results of the present, but also navigate the past and even consider their future. It's true that you shouldn't give up on a well-travelled road. We have to be vigilant, because by recalling the past of the siren-voiced opposition politicians, we can realize that their goal is to lead us all to a dead end again.

The Gyurcsány and Karácsony products are always able to bring our country to the market. They would open the gates and treasury of our country to the followers of predatory foreign ideas. Pro-war figures for whom peace is not a path. The traditional Judeo-Christian culture is dismissed as the Soros idealism of an open society.

The 2024 European Union and Hungarian municipal elections will be of decisive importance. We must do our work, soberly and wisely. In Europe, the peoples who have not been directly asked about their future and the totality of our nation's voting citizens can never kneel before the will of the politicians who avoid work for a living.

The degenerate pests who entered the leadership positions of the Union through counterselection must be replaced by new Europeans loyal to their country. With those who, on behalf of their nations, see Europe as their second homeland, guarded by fear.

Open doors and windows!
Let's let the stale air out of the EU's institutional system!

The people's majesty speaks for us, let us not be afraid and dare to vote in the elections to protect Judeo-Christian morality and culture.
Let's put the traditional candidates in a winning position. Let's build a strong Europe between East and West, which welcomes people traveling back and forth as a bridge, where bridge money is not the point.

Our world is going through a difficult situation right now. In such cases, togetherness can give us strength, it can save our future. In addition to the self-serving ideas of the USA, in connection with the dumbing down of peoples, the goal is the pursuit of world domination. Let's not forget that in the United States there are two camps fighting to the death: the Democrats and the Republicans. The globalists and those who believe in national sovereignty are fighting.

Let us be clear that the difference between the two camps is huge. The current leaders of the USA want to export a democracy they designed by force. At the same time, the Republicans want to set an example to the nations of the world as to how the principle of popular sovereignty should be practiced while maintaining their sovereignty. They point out that there is also a peaceful way to deal with local cultural differences.

After considering what has happened in the world so far, let us decide to declare the parents of distorted ideologies as persona non grata. Let's make the common good a flag, place our feet on the rock of peace!

László Csizmadia
is the chairman of the CÖF-CÖKA board of trustees