"Pedophile washing cannot be accepted under any circumstances," the Center for Fundamental Rights responded to the statements of Ferenc Kőszeg. In their analysis, they wrote that "the left-liberal LGBTQAPI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, asexual, pedophile, intersexual and other) sensitization is always lower, and the mania for liberation has now reached its logical next step, pedophilia".

According to the Fundamental Rights Center, the former SZDSZ founder Ferenc Kőszeg undertook the "agitation" in this regard, but the Hungarians have repeatedly and unequivocally expressed: "until now, and no longer, keep your hands off our children!" They recalled that they had warned years ago of the danger which they now believe was indicated by the words of the founder of the Helsinki Commission.

What happened confirms the will of the voters in last year's referendum "expressed in an unprecedented unity, according to which our children must be protected from gender madness"

they wrote.

They added: the founder of the SZDSZ - who before last year's election "published to each other his writings supporting the joint opposition prime minister candidate chosen by the foreign supporters of the dollar left" - not only called pedophilia tolerable, but also added that, in his opinion, "the problem is not if someone establishes a relationship with a pedophile, but if it becomes public".

According to them, it is worth recalling that Ferenc Kőszeg was found worthy of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary "in recognition of his decades-long activities to respect human rights" during the left-wing government.

Together with many Hungarian parents - but in stark contrast to the opinion of Ferenc Kőszeg - "we believe that pedophilia and pedophile acts should never be a part of our children's lives, and we must protect them from them with all available means, even with the help of official action," they said .

According to their resolution , "Hungary is not a country for gender propagandists, no adult here has, nor should they have, the right to use small children as sexual toys."

They referred to the results of their public opinion survey in March, which - as they wrote - also supports this, since the "overwhelming proportion" of respondents were in favor of the current child protection regulations, and even then the majority thought that further tightening of the law was necessary.

According to their opinion, in Western Europe, "the cultural Marxist rebels of '68" already set their banner on the "sexual liberation" of pedophiles.

and in addition, they added, politicians like Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who was the co-chairman of the Green faction of the European Parliament until 2014, but who "attacked the Hungarian government with blind zeal" .

The fact that there are still actors on the domestic left-liberal side who assure of their support for "the former left-wing member of parliament, rightly forgotten by many, only qualifies them, is also a warning to well-meaning Hungarians that this political side should no longer be allowed to come close to power" - can be read in the statement of the Center for Fundamental Rights.


Cover photo: Ferenc Kőszeg