Social media is not for everyone, and in some cases the relatives would do better to carefully remove the smartphone and other devices from the hands of former politicians with tons of free time. Written by Dániel Bohár.

The former mayor is bored in the yard of his holiday home in Croatia overlooking the sea, so he is now sharing serious messages with the world, addressed to the left.

A few days ago, the former SZDSZ mayor took the interested party back to the era of surrealism with the picture he published. Here is the photo:

Gábor Demszky

Gábor Demszky spoke up, but it's not sure if it was a good idea
Source: Facebook/Gábor Demszky

In the picture, if I guess correctly, it shows that Demszky is (presumably) chopping olives with a meat cleaver in an elaborate tyubityelka, which is a Kyrgyz costume. In the company of a well-watered wine, an empty plastic bottle and various mugs. What does this photo mean and what does the attached text have to do with it, let someone know who thinks they understand.

That's all about the picture, now comes the post that also fits the spiritual food. Demszky's basic statement is that Gergely Karácsony must replace the Orbán government from Budapest. Also like this:

"It is not possible to win an election, so I think there is only one way left, and that is civil disobedience. And this is about the fact that the opposition should decide that it will not comply with laws restricting freedoms."

In other words, Gábor Demszky is sending a message from Adria to the left to break the laws, to misbehave, to disrupt the order, to see if they can succeed.

I don't want to confuse Demszky, but the left has essentially been trying to do this for 13 years, and if my memories serve me correctly, so far not with much success.

However, there are still great smarts. According to the fallen mayor, it would also be one of the keys to a left-wing victory if Gergely Karácsony started a Budapest weekly newspaper. In 2023, I think this is a really great idea.

Also, there's something else here. If there was a violation of the law and the weekly newspaper, then Brussels must be asked to intervene and help Gergely Karácsony come to power. What a surprise that a lefty is waiting for help from somewhere else. It seems that the money of the American left was not enough, the comrades in Brussels are also needed.

Finally, I would like to tell Gábor Demszky that Gergely Karácsony already tried to replace Viktor Orbán in 2018, but failed. In fact, he was going to try in 2022 as well, but then he was already "hit by a tram" on the way. In other words, as long as Demszky sees the potential in Karácsony, we are fine.