Balaton beachgoers were shocked by animal rights activists: vegan activists drenched in artificial blood to "instill empathy towards innocent victims". The problem is not that they have an opinion, but that they want to force it on others.

The Hungarian Animal Rights Corps group wanted to draw attention to the fact that "killing animals is unacceptable".

The Hungarian Animal Rights Corps - a group called HARC - which is a vegan community for animals - attracted attention with another action. reported that the group shocked beachgoers on the Balaton coast in Zamárdi on Sunday.

Three of their activists were lying on the ground covered in foil and soaked in artificial blood.

As written, they wanted to display store meat trays in this way. The stickers on the boxes advertised discounted "humane humane farm meat".

The paper also quoted the activists' announcement, in which they wrote that "killing animals is unacceptable, regardless of the conditions of their keeping, and their goal is not to improve conditions, but to question our relationship with animals," they emphasized.

They added that the signs surrounding the participants in the performance read "you cannot kill humanely" and "imagine yourself in the place of the victim".

The activists also shared a video of the performance, but we recommend it only to the nervous:
