Hungarians in the highlands are already getting used to the mercilessly stupid statements of the chauvinist Rastislav Káčer. The former Czech, American and Hungarian ambassador and Slovak foreign minister believes that Viktor Orbán is pursuing an erosive policy against Slovakia, which is subverting the country. According to Kácer, it is possible that he will follow in the footsteps of Hungarian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

It is in Viktor Orbán's interest to sharpen national differences, to create hatred, and to make people believe that Slovakia is the fool who is fueling this. If we neglect this problem, we will soon have to face the serious consequences, said former diplomat Rastislav Kácer in an interview with

The former ambassador to the Czech Republic, the United States and Hungary and the Slovak foreign minister said that he only accepted the position of foreign minister because he was afraid that after the departure of Ivan Korcok, the direction of Slovakia's foreign policy would be closer to that of Viktor Orbán.

In the interview, they revived Kácer's controversial statements that "if Putin had been more successful, Hungary would have already come forward with its territorial claims against Slovakia." Because of this, former Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic and Slovak politician György Gyimesi accused the diplomat of Hungarianophobia.

Robert Fico would easily give Dunaszerdahely away

Kácer recalled that when Slovakia lost certain areas as a result of the Vienna decisions, "the deep Slovaks did not even flinch." According to him, Robert Fico would be ready to do the same, and NATO membership would not be a protection against that either.

He believes that since it would be a conflict between two member states, it would be difficult to decide who is right. This is precisely why he considers it dangerous to "play with Orbán's politics": he believes that the other member states can only wave one hand, saying that Hungarians and Slovaks are just as problematic.

In such a situation, it is very easy to create a situation where it turns out that someone has beaten some Hedvig again. We are talking about a €20 secret service sale

- said the diplomat, who said that it could be easily deduced from this that the Hungarians in Slovakia need protection, and therefore these areas should be given to Hungary - writes following the Index article

Cover photo: Rastislav Káčer's Facebook page