A healthy national consciousness is not hostile to other nations, it is characterized by mutual respect, and an understanding of this can lead to a reconciliation process in the Carpathian Basin in the 21st century - said Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister Katalin Szili in Párkány in the Highlands on Friday, the Limes-Anavum regional ethnographic association, Isten- at the Home-Nation-Motherland event.

Katalin Szili, in her presentation as the main patron of the conference, said: the Declaration of Faith of the Basic Law states that we recognize the role of Christianity in preserving the nation, that the protection of our identity is a state obligation, and that we base our country's order on national cooperation.

He pointed out: this is also confirmed by the Basic Law in the Basic Law, which specifically states that, with a view to unified national unity, Hungary bears responsibility for the fate of Hungarians living outside its borders, promotes the survival and development of their communities, supports their efforts to preserve their Hungarianness, as well as their individual and community rights validation.

The chief adviser stated that there is no nation without culture and language, just as neither a homeland nor a homeland exists without a soul, because "without a soul, these ideas are only degraded into words".

He also pointed out that these days the neoliberal views are clearly spreading more and more, according to which there is no need for God and the values ​​associated with it, so there are those who are not interested in the nation, and for whom the homeland and homeland are indifferent. The representatives of these views basically continue to live the cosmopolitan views that appeared on the ground of the internationalism that characterized the last century.

Katalin Szili also spoke about the fact that the national division of humanity can mean the limitations within universal humanity that can form a barrier to the false value system that drives humanity completely under its control. The fact that until now it has not happened that the whole of humanity has been completely washed away by a corrupted system of ideas is precisely due to this division.

He said that the common descent and the national consciousness that appears as an inherited spiritual bond are also the basis of the attachment to the common homeland, and only this identity based on the common national consciousness can integrate the society.

"However, a healthy national consciousness is never exclusive or hostile to other nations".

He added that healthy national consciousness is characterized by mutual respect and understanding, and understanding this can lead to a reconciliation process in the Carpathian Basin in the 21st century.


Featured image: Katalin Szili, Chief Advisor to the Prime Minister, patron of the conference (k), Krisztián Forró, President of the United Upland Hungarian Party, Szövetség (b) and Gyula Bárdos, national president of Csemadok, the largest Hungarian cultural and public organization in the Uplands, arrive at Limes -Anavum regional patriotism association, for the event "God-Home-Country-Motherland" in Párkány in the highlands on September 1, 2023. MTI/Zoltán Máthé