It would be good if we finally broke up the union, i.e. taking a broader interpretation of the union between European states that has existed for seventy years with the beautiful legends floating around, and taking the facts as a basis.

First: the statement that the so-called founding fathers envisioned the union as an equal, bottom-up union of nation-states is not true. The truth is the opposite: they wanted a super-federal union with central control, and apparently they want it with increasing vehemence. Second: the establishment of the union was in many ways advocated from outside, by the USA and the global elite. Thirdly, the union was imagined by many, even influential people, as the first stage of world governance in a broader sense.

By the way, let's not forget: the European Union received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. He deserved it: High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell recently said in relation to the Russian-Ukrainian (more precisely: American) war: "We are in urgent war mode." On January 10, 2023, NATO and the EU signed an agreement on future strategic cooperation. All this, of course, in the spirit of commitment to peace.

But now let's look at some facts in relation to my three statements above.

Georges Berthoin, the most globalist "founding father", Jean Monnet's former chief of staff, said in 2010:

"What we have implemented in Europe will one day be applied at the world government level as well. More precisely, this is the XXI. the great challenge of the century. A prime example of this is the speech of George Bush Sr. In 1990, at the UN General Assembly, when he was the President of the United States, he declared that he hoped to create a new world order."

By the way, Bush gave his last speech at the UN on September 11, 1990.
Eleven years later, exactly on September 11, the WTC towers collapsed, under circumstances that are still unclear, but undoubtedly paved the way for the completion of the rule of the United States and the globalists. Let's go back to the beginnings of the union.

Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austro-Hungarian diplomat, launched the Pan-European movement in 1922, which aimed to unify Europe and push nation-states into the background with a population of mixed races and cultures. He had predecessors, but he was the first who could take concrete and significant steps towards the realization of a supranational state. If only because Baron Louis Rothschild immediately stood behind Coudenhove-Kalergi and directed him to Max Warburg, who donated sixty thousand gold marks for the realization of the noble goals.  

Winston Churchill also supported Coudenhove-Kalergi's European integration plans, in Zurich in 1946 he already talked about the realization of a United States of Europe (based on Coudenhove-Kalergi's plans). In 1948, the European Movement was established in The Hague, with the strong support of Churchill, which later became the Council of Europe in 1949.

An important circumstance is that Coudenhove-Kalergi was a freemason, and in the early 20s he joined the Austrian-based freemason's lodge called Humanitas. The following persons who also supported Coudenhove-Kalergi's ideas as freemasons should be mentioned: Otto von Habsburg, former German finance minister Hjalmar Schacht, Ludwig Nathaniel Rothschild, Konrad Adenauer, Felix Warburg and Jean Monnet. Freemasonry strongly supported the Coudenhove-Kalergi concept, and this had a significant importance in its success. In its 1995 yearbook on the Pan-European movement, the Masonic lodge Quator Conavati acknowledged that Coudenhove-Kalergi built his political organization worldwide with the help of the Masonic World Network.

It is a fact that Jean Monnet, the unconditional globalist and believer in world government, was the first "commission" president of the European Coal and Steel Community between 1952 and 1955, although it was still called the main authority. Berthoin, quoted above, was his chief of staff, and he was also the co-founder of the globalist Trilateral Commission established in 1973, which was backed by Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller.

It is worth mentioning a lesser-known "founding father", Joseph Retinger, a Polish Freemason who presided over the 1948 congress of the European movement in The Hague - which was chaired by Churchill - where seven hundred delegates showed up. He was also a co-founder of the Bilderberg meetings initiated by David Rockefeller. It is perhaps already clear here what a powerful role the global financial and political elite played in the creation of European integration, community and then union. British historian Richard Aldrich also wrote that the 1957 Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community (the Common Market), was planned at the 1956 Bilderberg Conference.

It is also no coincidence that the founding fathers, including Paul-Henri Spaak, Robert Schuman, Walter Hallstein, and Konrad Adenauer, often discussed matters of the European community at Jean Monnet's apartment. Walter Lippmann, who co-founded the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1921, was also present at these meetings.

It is very important from the point of view of understanding the foundations of the union that in 1948, on the initiative and foundation of Coudenhove-Kalergi, the American Committee for a Unified Europe (AEEB) was established in New York (!). The company is financed by Ford and the Rockefeller Foundation, its executive director is WJ Donovan (former head of American intelligence), and its deputy is Allen Dulles, director of the CIA. (By the way, Dulles was also present on the CFR board of directors.)

In summary, the Rockefeller family, especially David Rockefeller, was perhaps the main background for the activities of the founding fathers and the financing of the European community. David Rockefeller - who died six years ago at the age of 101 - was also the director of the CFR, he was one of the preparers of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. His confidants, Donovan and Dulles, assisted him in establishing the European community with the cooperation of the CIA.

If we look at who managed the European Commission, we still get an interesting picture. Romano Prodi managed the committee between 1999 and 2004, until 2019 he was a member of the ECFR (European Council on Foreign Relations) created by György Soros, which can be considered a bit of the deep state of the union - its members include Gordon Bajnai, Klára Dobrev, Dávid Korányi, etc. . - and from 1980 he also participated in the Bilderberg meetings. José Manuel Durao Barroso led the European Commission for ten years, between 2004 and 2014. He has been a member of the Bilderberg Group since 1994, and is currently a member of the board. Jean-Claude Juncker was president from 2014 to 2019, and we know him well as Luxembourg's finance minister and prime minister.

We can also draw a clear conclusion from this: the European "community" - European Coal and Steel Community, Common Market, European Community, European Union - was invented, founded, financed and managed from the beginning by people and power groups who thought and are thinking in terms of a world government. in which the Union can play a kind of precursor role. Globalist politicians, Freemasons, the United States, the CIA, and the dominant circles of the globalist financial elite are strongly involved in this.

All of this predicts what can be expected from the European Union in the coming years and decades. One thing is certain: the step-by-step loss of the sovereignty of the member states, the emergence of the imperial character. Is this what we want? More precisely: do we want to participate in this or not?

And something else that is very important: if we do decide to leave the European Union, it does not mean that we are breaking up with Europe. In fact, on the contrary. Because the institutional system of the union, the leaders in Brussels, have not represented European interests for a long time. Neither European peace nor European prosperity. But they no longer represent European culture, its spiritual basis, nor Christianity.

They all broke up with them and represent the interests of someone or something else. And they are none other than the circles of the global financial and political elite - from the World Economic Forum to the circles of Soros all the way to the Rockefeller Foundation and beyond, whose goal is nothing more than to extend their goals of world power to Europe through the elite of the EU institutions. So, if a miracle does not happen in the European Parliament elections in 2024, and for this reason the idea of ​​leaving the union may be raised - of course not immediately, but tactically and strategically, and even historically well prepared - then we would not be acting against Europe, but Europe in his protection.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Photo: World Economic Forum / Pascal Bitz