You can also apply for the Hungarian village renewal award this year: the deadline for submitting applications is September 27, the Ministry of the Interior announced.

The purpose of the tender is to find those settlement communities that carry out outstanding developments. They added: the aim of the ministry is to improve the results of the villages carrying out village renewal by presenting examples and exchanging information, and to organize the village renewal into a movement.

The Hungarian village renewal award tender, announced for the tenth time this year, is once again based on the requirements of the European Village Renewal Award call for tenders, issued by the European Association for Village Renewal and Rural Development. Applicants must present their initial situation and the results achieved by the end of the period for a specific period.

A settlement can enter the competition independently or as a cooperative group of several settlements with a total of no more than 20,000 inhabitants.

The awards will be presented next spring.

The announcement was published on the government portal on Wednesday, it is available here .