"I have a creed, we are on this Earth to be useful to our nation," opera singer Levente Molnár told Éva Andor on the Kontextus YouTube channel, where he also told about why he went home, even though he could perform in the world's most famous opera houses.

The artist, born in Gyergyóremet, wants to align himself with two things in his life: "One is the timeless God", the other is his nation, which will survive him, in which his children live. That is why he went home from abroad, even though he could perform in the world's most famous opera houses with the world's greatest artists. He also stated that there is a lot of beauty in being at home and that it is an adventure to be Hungarian today, he writes in Mandiner's media review .

The artist also spoke about his conflicts abroad.

He said that he was invited by several directors. And after they told him that he was a fantastic singer, they were happy that he was there, they reproached him because of Viktor Orbán.

He replied to them that he is a good Hungarian, he is happy that "here is an acceptable direction, a bastion, and we must protect our values". He then declared: he is proud that Hungary has a politician "who has a tough voice in world politics".

Levente Molnár also spoke about the fact that Transylvanian Hungarians should be united politically, because in a few decades the number of two to two and a half million people has dwindled considerably, now there are just over one million Hungarians living in Romania. He raised as a concern that, in his opinion, the leaders of the Hungarian community there are not able to be as strong and characterful as it would be necessary, in his opinion, they are taken for granted. Therefore

calls for Fidesz to be formed within the Székely region as well,

not only because then many more people would go to vote, but also because a lot of Romanians would also vote for this party.

In fact, Molnár experiences in Orbán - where he works - but also elsewhere in Transylvania that Romanians praise Viktor Orbán. "Finally, a person who is a Christian, finally a person who thinks about protecting the past," Romanians say, according to Molnár, who would put his hands on fire so that if Fidesz were in Romania, many Romanians would vote for it.

Cover photo: Levente Molnár, opera singer with the Ferenc Liszt Prize Photo: Zoltán Máthé / MTI