Today's Ukraine's EU membership would be fatal for us.

In the language of American diplomacy, a rogue state or rogue state means a country that tramples on Western values ​​and interests, oppresses its citizens and does not shy away from terror. Such a state is ostracized by the enlightened Western world, an arms embargo and economic sanctions are introduced against it, and even (see the practice of Presidents Clinton and Bush) it prevents the strengthening and expansion of such perverted governments with a pre-emptive military strike.

The success of this foreign policy could be the topic of another article, but let's stick to the fact: this adjective fits the new Ukraine established in the last decade in every way. Most recently, Zsolt Bayer excited our nervous left-liberal opinion leaders when he argued on Hír TV last November: - We are talking about a lottery state. That's why we here in Europe should freeze, become unemployed and give up our whole lives for Ukraine?

This is not about the possible excesses of the power of the internal affairs of the country that is defending itself in the war and is in a desperate situation, since in this case we could even suggest a strategic calm. On the contrary: the violation of rights, the oppression, intimidation and terrorization of minority national communities are part and parcel of the conscious, chauvinistic Ukrainian policy that has been pursued for a decade.

Since the coup of 2014, Ukraine has been carrying out ethnic cleansing against its own citizens. Also in Transcarpathia, which over the past thousand years has had about as much to do with Kyiv as György Soros has with national feeling. Concretely, nothing, since Stalin annexed the ancient Hungarian territory from the Czechoslovak usurpers as a kind of western corridor in 1945, and the Ukrainian presence only began to increase after the failed basic treaty was betrayed by the Antall government in December 1991 in a successful and decisive referendum. the Hungarian-Rusyn population voting for the most complete independence - as The Croatians succeeded .

Today, the Ukrainian state is busy with intimidating, driving away, and assimilating the remaining handful of Hungarians amid the horrific amount of blood sacrifices, the painfully progressing counterattack, dwindling Western support and total economic bankruptcy. Even the fact that the remaining Subcarpathian Hungarians donate much more than their own resources to help the internally displaced does not stop the vile hatred and vile blindness of the local petty kings and state leaders. In settlements with a significant Hungarian population, the locals organized exemplary care for them already in the first days of the war.

Although part of the male population of military age fled because they understandably did not want to sacrifice themselves in the Slavic fraternal war, the other part is fighting on the fronts and the local Hungarian leaders - despite the incitement, deprivation of rights and banning scandals of the past decade - are trying to prove their loyalty to the Kiev towards government.

As a reward, the Zelenskyi cabinet deprives Hungarians of the remnants of cultural self-administration with new laws and humiliates our brothers and sisters by publicly destroying and annihilating our national symbols and monuments. What is most disgusting is that they allow monsters like the members of the Baloga clan in Munkács to act with an accomplice wink. These scoundrels are the worthy heirs of the Nazi collaborator, Galician butcher Stepan Bandera, the national hero of today's Ukraine.

By the way, Bandera! It is not only us Hungarians who have problems with the Ukrainian state. Poland has also begun to wake up, and the Zelenskiys are increasingly being accused of heroizing war criminals who committed atrocities in the former Polish territories. Bartosz Cichocki, Poland's ambassador to Kyiv, put it bluntly in an interview published on Monday on the BBC: The continuous celebration of Nazi collaborators, such as Stepan Bandera, in Kyiv is a source of real pain in Poland.

Cichocki alluded to the fact that between 1943 and 1944, in the areas of Western Ukraine and Eastern Poland, also known as Volhynia and Galicia, more than a hundred thousand Poles and many Jews were murdered by the Banderas, who are now being erected across Ukraine with monuments ticking off Lenin statues. In the summer, Lukasz Jasina, the spokesperson for Poland's foreign affairs, did not let the barbaric, chauvinistic attitude calm down either, and on behalf of her government, she directly called on President Volodymyr Zelensky to "take more responsibility" and "apologise" for the murders when erecting the monuments.

Returning to Munkács: last week, the Ukrainian state watched idly as the son of the former mayor of Munkács, the mobster, local oligarch, anti-Hungarian instigator and parliamentarian Viktor Baloga, banned Hungarian demonstrations and the National Anthem in Munkács II. At the opening of the year of Ferenc Rákóczi Secondary School. Previously, in defiance of the court's decision, the Hungarian director was forcibly removed and replaced by three Ukrainian commissioners without educational qualifications, who have been threatening and intimidating the Hungarian teachers for several days to leave or change to the Ukrainian language and identity.

Let us not forget for a moment that this stigmatization and ethnic incitement against the indigenous population can lead to dramatic consequences: this is how all pogroms and the Holocaust itself began throughout history. In the winter, when I accompanied the readers' aid shipment to Transcarpathia, a local Hungarian leader, who was organizing the reception and full care of hundreds of internal Ukrainian refugees (with donations from the Hungarian state), told a very typical story: one of the refugees in the former color Hungarian settlement yelled at him, that "Speak Ukrainian, you are in Ukraine!"

The only problem was that, for lack of a better word, he shouted this in his mother tongue, i.e. in Russian...

The true Ukrainian state attitude is well characterized by what was revealed a few days ago during an attempted crossing in Záhony: Angéla Füssy, the investigative journalist of PestiSrá, the creator of the revealing program entitled Az akta from country. Both of them had previously made brave field reports about the persecution of Hungarians in Transcarpathia. They did not consciously deal with the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war, they focused exclusively on the sufferings of our compatriots, yet now a slander campaign has been launched against them in the Ukrainian propaganda press, defaming the journalists by name and photo, posing as Russian agents.

According to our sources, it has become certain that the banning of our colleagues and other Hungarians was a response to the fact that Hungary detained Viktor Baloga at the border, who was going on a ski trip to the west (instead of the front) half a year ago, and was wanted for crimes. As the presenter Ádám Varga, originally from Subcarpathia, put it Az akta : - Ukraine is ruled by clans and petty kings. If the Baloga clan defends Hungarianness, it has received permission from above. He is the whip of power, he has always done what power represented.

So, in Ukraine, the persecution of Hungarians and the ethnic cleansing take place with the support of the state, with the accomplice of Kiev officials in the worst cases. It's been ten years now, even before the war. In spite of the nice words, the "pro-Hungarian" bleating of the newly appointed Ukrainian ambassador in Budapest is overwhelming.

And although Hungary's main goal is peace, and as Christians we cannot wish harm to the Ukrainian people who have suffered a lot (it is very right that Katalin Novák regularly represents and emphasizes this), we still have to make ourselves aware that today's Ukraine's EU membership would be fatal for us.

The formal appearance of a Hungarian-hating, conflict-seeking, and American puppet state that respects mass murderers as national heroes in Brussels decision-making would not only crumble our Hungarian renaissance in the Carpathian Basin, but would also destroy our hope that the European community would once again be a successful economic association of equal and mutually respectful nations. will be as the wise founding fathers dreamed it in Rome in 1957.

Hungarian Nation / Gergely Huth

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