Yes, dear trolls, this is for you! So feel free to click, thousands of emojis will come! Written by Zsolt Jeszenszky.

So who are Péter Magyar's followers? I mean, not on Facebook (although that is also interesting), but in reality.

Among his Facebook followers, there are indeed many fake profiles without acquaintances, and among the tens of thousands who like his posts, there are many Vietnamese, but that leaves no doubt that a lot of real people are also fans of him.

A sect has arisen and they follow the false messiah; hundreds of articles and analyzes have been written about this in recent weeks. Of course, this sect was not created recently, but it did not always have a leader; at times he just wandered in the desert of his own frustration. And this frustration stems from hatred towards Viktor Orbán and from the fact that they are unable to defeat him.

They face it again and again that the hated enemy is stronger than them.
This will make them even more frustrated. But now! - they believe with complete conviction, with their ever-increasing, vehement hatred, the resulting adrenaline rush, at the appearance of each new ray of hope. And these rays of hope are always represented by a new messiah candidate.

In such cases, they chase after him, trying to climb the cucumber tree as if there was no tomorrow. And we are really talking about cucumber trees. Not only were hundreds of thousands of people able to believe that Péter Jakab would defeat Viktor Orbán (by bringing the stock of a small village general store into the Parliament), but they were also able to believe that an unfortunate Blanka Nagy or Lili Pankotai was a political factor.

Let's add, of course, that the leftist media has done everything to completely dumb down the sect: in this case, they give all the existing platforms to these self-appointed messiahs.

So the sect was actually created by the leftist media. And in this left-wing media, in addition to the well-known mainstream portals and channels (444, Telex, HVG, RTL, etc.), the social media pages of the left (Nyugati Fény, Ezalényeg, etc.) and their spokespersons (Puzsér, NoÁr, Juszt László, "andras", "handras" etc.) are also included. All of these not only perpetuate and increase hatred with continuous propaganda, but also create and strengthen blind faith in the current messiah. They are able to convince their followers in a matter of seconds that the new messiah is now really the real one, and it is only a matter of time before Orbán falls. But they themselves believe all this. They accept eternal loyalty, write and perform songs and poems about their current hero (they may adapt existing songs, such as Zoltán Czutor to Márki-Zayra), or they are already preparing to write books about him (the psychological case of Ervin Nagy with Péter Magyar).

Of course, the left-wing media not only creates the sect and new and new messiahs, but also serves a need.

After all, the frustrated crowd instinctively wants the leader. Or at least a person into whom they can project all their desires. However, it is not always about a leader, because no one could have thought that Blanka Nagy or Lili Pankotai would succeed Viktor Orbán as an effective political leader. (Not even they themselves, no matter how poor they came under the influence of themselves and were strengthened in their delusion of role by the leftist media.) But Jakab and Márki-Zay really imagined themselves as political leaders, chosen ones. (Let's say, Márki-Zay was really selected, but not in heaven, as he raved about, but in the American State Department.)

And that's how we arrived at Péter Magyar. To the latest station in the vicious circle of the messiah-building, sect-creating leftist media and the messiah-waiting sect. But indeed, now we can see that the overwhelmed faith is even stronger. Partly because of Péter Magyar's personality, partly because of the increasing level of frustration. Péter Magyar jumped out of the Fidesz circles, which gives him a special appeal and also a false legitimacy.

It is false, because for many years, someone who lived off the Hungarian state with little work - through his connections - as the perfect embodiment of nepotism, topped off all this with grandiose, ostentatious wealth, at least it is hard to believe that he is suddenly the biggest fighter for a clean, corruption-free public life will be Or it would be if he got into government. But Péter Magyar's personality has already been discussed a lot (perhaps a lot), now let's take a closer look at the frustration driving his followers!

The political frustration of the opposition is obviously caused by the continuous defeat. This frustration is shared by their voters. Those who are not only addicted to their permanent fixation, Orbanophobia, but sometimes also get angry at the opposition politicians on the field, why they are not able to finally defeat Orbán.

That's why if someone comes who shouts even louder (this is a mandatory element, Péter Magyar also brings the mandatory), then even the party preferences can be rearranged. This is what we see now, in the latest polls:

Péter Magyar suddenly has about 15 percent of the guaranteed voters, and all of them came from the opposition parties. Including Our Country. Péter Magyar took a percentage point or two from everyone (some even more).

If the elections were held now, the others, apart from Magyar (now we know, in the colors of the Tisza Party), DK (in alliance with the MSZP and the zero-percentage Párbeszéd) and the Dog Party, would not even get a mandate, or would remain below the parliamentary threshold . Yes, Péter Magyar - at least according to the current situation - managed to crush almost the entire opposition. If we talk about the long-awaited "change of opposition", then this can even be said to be a success (although Mi Hazák, which also cherishes dreams of changing the opposition, obviously thinks otherwise), but

this is not enough for the hoped-for change of government, seeing that Péter Magyar did not squeeze a single percent from the Fidesz camp.

Of course, they continue to praise and follow them with the same blind faith and irrationality.

How relatively reasonable people (at least who think they are) are able to see their political leader as a narcissistic, pathologically self-influenced, concrete psychopath more clearly than ever, is not a mystery, because on the one hand we see the frustration described above, on the other hand it has already happened a 1.0 version, Péter Márki-Zay.

Péter Magyar 2.0 is a more advanced model in many ways, but he is at least as psychopathic. And even more deceptive.

Holy madness is reflected from Márki-Zay's eyes, calculating evil from Magyar's.

Márki-Zay is like Doctor Genya from Austin Powers, and Magyar is Loki from The Avengers. Or maybe Kylo Ren from Star Wars. These characters are evil by birth, so they could never become a real part of their community, in fact, sooner or later they became outcasts, which of course brought out the evil in them even more.

But such characters always find followers. For those who are like them but lack the ability or will to do anything themselves. They're not quite like that, they just want to be like their leader.

Péter Magyar's followers are all small narcissists who follow the Great Narcissist. Affluent, spoiled urban youth. They actually have everything, but it's never enough. It is not real deprivation that frustrates them. (Of course, thanks to the bullying of the media, they are really able to believe that Hungary is an unlivable place with a terrible dictatorship, and where they themselves are poor, unfortunate, victims.)

In addition to political frustration, the real frustration in their daily lives is envy. I envy everything they don't have and everyone who does. But this envy does not only appear in money and material possessions. Of course, it can be because no matter what this type has, no matter how much they have, they always look at what other people have and get terribly frustrated if anyone has more.

But I also envy the lives of others, the everyday, simple happiness of others. And they don't work to make their lives better, simply by starting to live them. But they continue to compare themselves to others, envy and hate others for their perceived or real disadvantages and shortcomings.

And whoever can gather these many little narcissists, the many, many little hates in them, can channel them into a big hate balloon, can even rise with this balloon for a while. Robespierre, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot..., not only fictional characters exist as examples.

Péter Magyar's followers are urban young people studying at universities and working at multi-companies, earning well, infected by the woke-Marxist ideologies of the postmodern cosmopolitan world (primarily at universities and at their workplaces). (Plus the eternally hysterical, eternal Bolsheviks, professional revolutionaries from Mária Vásárhelyi to János Bródy.) Those who are the main beneficiaries of the measures of the Orbán government; those who took the chocolate, receive state subsidies for housing and cars, family tax benefits and travel with a national pass, etc.

But they are never satisfied with their lives, and in fact with themselves. The confident self-satisfaction with which they shout O1G into the camera when they are asked at a demonstration why they are actually there, what they want, actually stems from their personal complexes.

Which, of course, is again the disease of the postmodern world:

this type of person no longer believes in any higher things or ideas (God, nation, etc.) that go beyond themselves. He is not motivated by any further goal. He doesn't really see any purpose or meaning in his life. Only you exist, the self.

But since the same postmodern world also "makes sure" that people cannot break out of the limitations of their own mass existence, the self will never be satisfied. In frustration, he turns to drugs. And Péter Magyar is also such a drug. Now they are shooting themselves with it; right now he is the cool drug among the Young Restaurateurs of the City.

Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Péter Magyar's Facebook page