It is now certain that Hungary is a fascist dictatorship, where living is hell itself, where anyone who criticizes the government, who dares to take a deep breath or opposes the suffocating power in any other way is dead.

It must be so, as this was established by the educational film born in the Swedish media. And they don't lie, and neither does Márton Gulyás, the truth-telling shepherd, or I don't even know what kind of animal. He then gave the tut a good taste.

Let's leave out the inappropriate irony, because the filth that this scumbag produced is not matched by irony, but by unquenchable rage. And complete incomprehension.

I wonder what this slob was thinking? How can the set of lies with which he assumed a role in the Swedish Liberal Nazis' propaganda film remain secret in the age of information technology? And how dare you continue to be a Partisan after this? It's downright amazing, how could he speak without uttering a single true word?

For those who don't know, his biggest lie was that, while running a YouTube channel specifically against the government, he declared that there is no freedom of the press in Hungary and no opportunity to freely express an opinion. So what are you doing, Gulyás? Are you listening deeply?

He is silent, but only about why he dared to defame his country with such lies. Because he's a cowardly little schemer, who makes hot noises abroad, but back home he flat-outs. But what could you say? How could you not be serious?

No press freedom? Dictatorship raging? Little unfortunate, if there was a dictatorship in this country, you wouldn't be able to bark either at home or at the Swedish villains. At most - if you're lucky - in your cell. Have you ever been shut down for your meanness? You know, you deplorable sick mind, the dictatorship was raging when on October 23, 2006, the unidentified Gyurcsány hussars attacked peaceful celebrants like rabid hyenas. The policemen of Gyurcsány, whose camp you support.

Of course, the little boy was well prepared for treason by his American trainers, and he has to meet the expectations. But it is not mandatory to sink that deep either.

Let's also not forget that Sweden is teetering on NATO membership, in light of this, a film that harshly attacks our country can hardly be classified as a friendly gesture. I am also not convinced that the Hungarian parliamentarians who have not yet approved their intention to join have been convinced by what happened that they should say yes to the request. If they became a member country, how many more times would they kick us?

I am afraid that Sweden sees us as an inferior, barbaric people, against whom they can do whatever they want. Well, they think wrong.

Members of Parliament, before you vote, don't forget to watch the Swedish film!

You can view the video discussed in the article by CLICKING HERE

Author: György Tóth Jr

Cover image: Photo: MTI/Balázs Mohai

With Márton Gulyás, the Swedish children are being teased against Hungary