In the past few weeks, the opposition media once again complained about the Prime Minister's short, barely one-week vacation in Croatia.

Péter Németh objected to why the government did not report on every minute of Orbán's vacation, which he spent at his "friend's dacha" - meaning Mária Schmidt's family vacation home - and Ákos Hadházy dedicated an entire video to "putting down" the Hungarian Prime Minister , he didn't even hesitate to personally peek at the door of the Ungár family's house.

According to him, both Viktor Orbán and Péter Ungár should resign for this outrageous act. Unless...

Gulyáságyú Média, the hallmark of Balázs Gulyás, wrote to Telex about his astonishing discovery regarding the incriminated vacation:

"on August 11, the Prime Minister suddenly walked ashore through the entrance of the beach villa in Croatia, swam for about ten minutes, then came out of the water, walked up a flight of stairs to the entrance of the residence, where he opened the gate using a combination of numbers and went back to the villa."


Let's pour clean water into the glass and finally decide where the Hungarian Prime Minister should go on vacation!

  • Vacation wherever you want, it's a private matter, no one has anything to do with it! (97%, 85 Votes)
  • In order not to drive the opposition crazy, only vacation in the country! (3%, 3 Votes)

All voters: 88

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