American nightmare: the teenage girl imagined herself to be a boy, received hormone treatment, had her breasts cut off, regretted it all a year later, but the consequences of the mutilation remain forever.

"I am the victim of one of the biggest medical scandals in the history of the United States," Chloe Cole, who began the process of "gender reassignment" at the age of 12, testified before a congressional committee. Her horror story shows what human dramas gender ideology causes.

According to a Gallup survey published in 2022, 20 percent of members of the American Generation Z (those born between 1997 and 2003) identify as LGBTQ. In comparison, not even 1 percent of those born before 1946, i.e. the generation of the rebellious sixties, identify as part of a sexual minority.

Surveys show that young girls are three times more likely to declare that they have an LGBTQ identity. In particular, the number of transgender youth has increased.

According to a survey by Pew Research, 5 percent of the American population under the age of 30 identify as trans.

In the last few years, the American public has learned the concept of "gender dysphoria", which means that a person suffers from an identity crisis: he cannot accept that he belongs to the gender he was born with. Almost overnight, this phenomenon, which was previously treated as a psychological disorder, became an accepted and celebrated identity that should be supported from an early age. However, before 2012, this identity disorder was almost completely unknown among teenagers, it affected girls to almost no extent, and only less than 1% of boys.

In recent years, there has been an unexpected jump in numbers, especially among teenage girls who identify as either trans or non-binary (neither girl nor boy).

Teenage girls are drawn to the trans ideology's promise that if they start treatment, all their body dissatisfaction will go away. But the reality is that nothing can be solved, in fact, the various hormone treatments, surgeries, and psychiatric confirmation of their disorder cause irreversible damage.

Nineteen-year-old Chloe Cole is an ex-transgender who has "returned" to her birth gender after previously beginning the gender reassignment process.

"I used to believe that I was born in the wrong body, and the adults around me that I trusted reinforced that belief, and it caused lifelong, irreversible damage to me," the girl said in July at a hearing of the US House Judiciary Committee.

Chloe was diagnosed with gender dysphoria at the age of 12. She was always a tomboy, and the unusually early onset of puberty completely messed her up, Jordan Peterson said on his podcast. When he got his first smartphone in the fifth grade, he started spending a lot of time on Instagram. The little girl felt that she fell far short of the ideal seen on the page: she was tall, broad-shouldered and small-breasted.

After that, she came across feminist videos that told her: she lives in a patriarchy, women are oppressed in America. Chloe was very frightened by this, and as she told Peterson, she felt that it was not worth being a woman in such a world.

He started watching videos of teenage girls changing genders and suddenly everything in their lives became much nicer and better, everyone celebrated and accepted them. The little girl also wanted this, and at the age of 12 she announced to her parents that she was a boy. His parents had raised four older children by then and were completely shocked. They didn't have a progressive worldview, they thought they should ask for help. Chloe was sent to a psychologist, who didn't even question the 12-year-old's identity disorder. "You are a boy? Okay, then the transformation begins.”

His parents were worried that he was too young for testosterone injections, that he would have side effects, and wanted him to wait. However, psychologists have told Chloe's parents that if they don't allow her to start transitioning, their daughter may end up committing suicide.

The parents agreed to the procedure. Chloe was first put on puberty blockers and then at the age of 13 received her first testosterone injection.

Two years later, the transformation continued: a gender specialist referred her to a surgeon to perform an "upper body operation" on her, that is, to cut off her breasts. Her mental state was not assessed, but her breasts were amputated at the age of 15. It was a complicated and, in Chloe's own words, "barbaric" surgery.

To this day, the girl has to wear bandages because otherwise fluid will come out of her wounds.

After the operation, she began to feel more and more strongly: she is indeed a woman, and she regretted her decision. He secretly started dressing in women's clothes again. Then unexpectedly, during a class on the close relationship between a mother and her child, Chloe realized that she would never be able to breastfeed her baby.

That's when he realized: he wants a normal family and children. This realization completely shattered him. At the age of 16, she announced to her parents and psychologists: she regretted the gender change and wanted to be a girl again.

Doctors accepted his decision but did not help him recover his identity.

However, even though he changed his mind, he faced serious physical problems: because of the testosterone, his voice became like that of a mutant teenage boy, he has urinary problems and constant joint complaints. She lost her breasts forever, and they operated on her in such a barbaric way that she can't even get artificial breasts.

When she started sharing her story at age 18, she was met with a lot of hate. He lost some of his friends and was branded a propagandist. She testified before several state legislatures, and her story became the basis for many Republican laws banning the reassignment of minors.

In July, Chloe told the House Judiciary Committee hearing:

“The doctors' theories were false. Medicines and surgeries changed my body, but they could not change the reality that I am a woman and will always be a woman.”

He asked American politicians to end the propagation of "barbaric pseudoscience" and not allow the ideology to claim more victims.

The stories of Chloe and people like her caused a huge outrage across America. Almost 20 states have already passed laws banning hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery for minors. In several places, parents demand the exclusion of gender propaganda from the school curriculum. The Economist, for example, reported that parents are already rebelling against gender ideology in California.


Chloe deeply regrets having gender reassignment surgery performed on her as a teenager
Source: Twitter/Chloe Cole

As the paper describes: liberals, evangelical Christians, gays and Muslims all speak out in favor of protecting children in schools. However, the Democrats respond with even tougher laws. For example, in Sacramento, a bill is pending before the state legislature that would: "legally make 'gender identity confirmation' part of a child's 'health, safety and well-being,'" which, as described by the Economist, could mean that if a parent does not support their child trans identity, then it can be considered dangerous for the child.

The Democratic Party casts Republican child protection laws as "depriving trans children of important health care." Joe Biden once declared that trans people are "some of the bravest people I know" and pledged to fight against Republican legislation. As for Cole's story, an article in the New York Times brushed it aside as an exception, while most people don't regret gender reassignment surgery.

A significant number of the victims of gender ideology are not the children of progressive or liberal parents, but rather come from average American families, where the father and mother had no idea what their child was being taught or what they encountered on their phone. In their book Stolen Youth: How Radicals Are Erasing Innocence and Indoctrinating a Generation, written on the subject, Bethany Mandel and Karol Markowicz write the following: in many cases, the school colludes against the parents and simply re-educates the child.

American society is not left-leaning, and the majority does not ask for woke ideology, but every major institution has been taken over by progressives.

According to Mandel and Markowicz's book, in America, schools, hospitals, and the state bureaucracy are all in the hands of those who are committed to implementing a woke program.

As Mandel describes in the preface to their book, “Woke revolutionaries—like communist revolutionaries of the 20th century—aim for the transformation of society, even if it causes suffering to some people. According to this ideology, the well-being and interests of the individual must be subordinated to the collective good. The suffering of the individual is irrelevant, only the achievement of social change matters."