According to Viktor Orbán, this year will be about Hungary being forced to its knees by its opponents, who would take away the sovereignty of our country. Hungary's opponents want to use the crisis caused by the war to push our country back to the Gyurcsány era, when the fate of Hungarians was decided abroad - Magyar Nemzet quotes the prime minister's speech at a closed government meeting in Esztergom .

According to the report of the conservative newspaper, Viktor Orbán called this the next year's stake in Esztergom at the usual closed group meeting of the Fidesz-KDNP. The political season started in the usual way with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán evaluating the period ahead in front of the entire faction of the Fidesz-KDNP.

The Prime Minister started his speech by saying that

"this year has huge stakes, because the Soros empire, strengthened by the ruling American Democrats, is launching an attack like Goliath against the right-wing media in most European countries and enthusiastic national parties that often politicize without money.

You can see where this is at stake, in America, they want to send Trump directly to prison, so that he does not endanger the power of Soros and the Democrats. The globalists need the European Commission and the American president, and Hungary is the thorn under my fingernail on the way there," the prime minister assessed the situation of our country in this struggle.

According to Viktor Orbán, the reason for this is that "Hungary is the freest country in Europe today. There is a fence on the border, no immigration, instead there is a family policy. There is no gender ideology in schools, we do not deliver weapons to Ukraine, we do not want to get involved in the war," the Prime Minister listed.

"We, Hungarians, today can freely decide our fate without influence. That is why they want to silence us, and even this year they are trying to break us. However, we will not let this happen," he summed up the situation facing the country.

Viktor Orbán then turned to who are Hungary's opponents, from whom Hungarian sovereignty must be protected.

In his assessment, they are the Soros empire, the Brussels bureaucracy and their allies.

"They are the ones who will attack our economic sovereignty, want to eliminate our cultural sovereignty, and want to take away our political sovereignty," he continued, explaining in detail what all this means in practice.

“Our economic sovereignty is being attacked when they want to cancel the utility bill, when they protect multinational companies so they can freely raise prices and make money off people. They want to wrest from our hands the regulatory tools with which we protect families. And if all that wasn't enough, they want to let GMO-containing, dumping-priced grain into the Hungarian market, and they also want to tell us where we can buy energy carriers and for how much," he listed.

"They want to abolish our cultural sovereignty when they want to forcefully settle immigrants in Hungary, and they would even create Europe's largest migrant ghettos here. They want to impose their gender ideology on us, and they even want to tell us how to operate and what they can teach at our universities, even excluding Hungarian students from joint European scholarship programs in order to achieve their goals. They want to take away our political sovereignty when they withhold resources belonging to Hungary in an obvious violation of the law, while forcing us to pay Ukraine, and moreover, they would admit Ukraine to the union without discussion, even though it does not meet any requirements imposed on other member states."

Finally, the Prime Minister concluded his list, with funds sent from abroad, they unabashedly influence Hungarian public life. Of course, money doesn't matter here, they don't give the resources to students and teachers, hospitals, but they pay the dollar left, dollar media and "dollar civilians".

In his speech, the Prime Minister emphasized once again that the gloves must be put on each and every topic, Hungary's freedom of decision must not be compromised. For this, of course, according to the prime minister, it is necessary that the Hungarian families stand by them.

"When it comes to war, immigration, gender, and the acquisition of foreign influence, the Hungarian people do not believe in Soros's siren calls, they do not believe in Brussels, and they do not believe in Gyurcsány's dollar left either," said the Prime Minister.

"But what does all this mean for us?" he asked the question.

"The struggle for Hungarian freedom will not only be decided in Brussels or America, but here in Hungary, in our settlements. The supporters of the global elite are not only in the ranks of the Brussels elite or the American Democrats, but also in a number of Hungarian settlements, just think for example of the uncontrolled Budapest, where traffic jams, dirt and chaos reign. Or there are the pseudo-civilians and the self-proclaimed independent local media, which have come out of nowhere and whose aim is to create tension and slander against the nationally-minded local governments. They are all financed from Brussels or through the Soros network, setting up garrisons where the national forces are in power.”

Viktor Orbán concluded his speech by saying that the stakes of the 2024 European Parliament and municipal elections are one and the same: the preservation of Hungary's sovereignty. "Based on common values, 2024 must be won here and in Europe, not for ourselves, but for the country," said the Prime Minister.


Cover image: MTI/Szilárd Koszticsák