Székelyudvarhely entered the history of Hungarian tradition preservation in 1978: the world's first dance hall meeting was organized in the city for the first time. From the beginning it became a tradition, and this year September 7-9. the Transylvanian Dance Hall Meeting was organized between János Tóth, the professional manager responsible for network and social relations at Hagyomány Hása, shared his on-site experiences with Erdélyi Naplo.
"The Meeting is a real celebration of dance, since the first dance hall meeting was held in the town along the Küküllő River in 1978. The communities have been proudly nurturing this noble tradition ever since, and we can also be part of this special holiday these days. The viewer can have an amazing experience; thousands visited Székelyudvarhely.
We talk in the morning, and this time of day is really about families.
Crossing the square behind the theater, families are talking in the park, children are drawing serenely on the asphalt. Yes, the hours pass in a Mayan mood.

Photo: Gyula Ádám / Transylvanian Dance Meeting Facebook page
The result of the meeting is that it can attract an audience whose members may not live and cherish this culture on a daily basis, but their experiences here may have an impact on the future.
We can consider the three days not a professional meeting, we can experience the magic of being together together; we can experience the power of community.
Those who come from hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away greet each other like old acquaintances, and their joy affects the entire meeting. The presence of the dancers and musicians of the amateur movement is the real strength of the meeting, but the programs of the professional ensembles raise the brightness of the event. Without claiming to be complete, for example, the City Sports Hall hosted the joint performance of the Transylvanian Hungarian Professional Folk Dance Ensembles on Saturday night. The programs are organized by the Transylvanian House of Traditions Foundation, and the Institute - supplemented by numerous volunteers - provides the backbone of the directing staff. The House of Traditions also takes part in the program, since the local main organizer is the Kaszaj Cultural Association, an important strategic partner for us.

Photo: Pataki Hajnal / Transylvanian Dance Meeting Facebook page
Seeing the crowd fills the participant's heart with satisfaction:
the four-and-a-half-year-old initiative has now become a joyous celebration, where all corners of the Carpathian Basin are present - whether as presenters, performers or guests."
Source: Transylvanian Diary
Cover image: Transylvanian Dance Meeting Facebook page