Árpád Antal, the leading politician of the Romanian Hungarian Democratic Union (RMDSZ), considers the French president's announcement on Corsica's autonomy on Thursday as a historic moment, and from the point of view of Székelyföld's self-determination, he considers it indicative.

The Székelyföld politician said on his social media page: Emmanuel Macron's announcement is also a milestone for European national minorities.

He reminded me that

Until now, France has rigidly refrained from any form of autonomy, and now the head of state has announced the intention of the French state to establish the autonomy of Corsica within six months.

As he writes, this means that the French state recognizes the specificity of the Corsican community in terms of history, language and culture, and this is also included in the French constitution.

This is exactly what we, the people of Szekler, want! More precisely, that a similar clause should be included in the Romanian constitution, and that the Romanian state itself would create the autonomy of Székelyföld in a similar way

Árpád Antal points out in his post.

According to the mayor of Sepsiszentgyörgy

We are witnessing the transformation of Europe, and he considers it indicative that the last great nation-state has given in and recognizes the need for autonomy of national communities. "Come on, Székelyland, come on, Szeklers!"

Árpád Antal concludes his post.


Cover image: Dávid Veress, the president of the Székely Council of Csíkszék, reads the proclamation of the Székely National Council next to the guard fire in Csíkszereda, Transylvania, on October 30, 2022. The last Sunday of October is the day of the autonomy of Székelyföld. Based on the call of the Székely National Council (SZNT) in 2016, on this day prayers and watch fires are used to remind that the people of Székely will not give up their legitimate demands (Photo: MTI/Nándor Veres)