A national costume parade was held over the weekend in several settlements in Udvarhelyszék. The sinkhole mitigation initiative that started in Lövété in 2014 was later adopted in Sóvidék, and this year, additional settlements are joining the program series.

The idea of ​​the folk costume meetings comes from the historian János Mihály, the first one was held in Lövé in 2014 under the title Homoródmente folk costume, at the parade, 21 Homoródmente settlements presented their own community clothing. The second was already undertaken by the National Strategic Research Institute (NSKI), and after the third, the Élő Székelyföld Working Group (ÉSZM) became involved in organizing the meetings in the salt plains.

and this year, the national costume parade will be extended to other regions, so that as many small regions or village communities as possible can show their own clothing.

This year, the eighth meeting was organized along the Homoród. On Saturday, September 30, the participants from the settlements of the two Homoród regions were invited to Abásfalvá, belonging to the Homoródszentmárton municipality.

The Sóvidék national costume parade is being held for the fifth time, and this year the people of Sóvidék will meet in Paraj. This year, Farkaslaka will also join the program series, the first folk costume meeting in Nyikoment was also hosted by Farkaslaka on Saturday.

On Sunday, the first of October, other regions joined the initiative, in the villages of Zetelaká, Székelyderzs and Újszékely, residents dressed in national costumes were invited for the first time to events called Havasalja, Nagy-Küküllő mente, and Kresztúrszék Népviseletben.

The meetings are based on the same scenarios:

in the morning there is the gathering, followed by the procession to the church, and the event continues in the cultural center of the given settlement, after the ceremonial opening, the archival photo exhibition related to the region entitled "Our Primitives in their Clothes" will be presented.

The main attraction of the events are the folk costume presentations, which are followed by a cultural program.

The program series of the National Costume Army Review will end on Saturday, October 14 in Székelyudvarhely.

Source: maszol.ro

Photo: NSKI