The Budapest organization of Mi Hazánk reported on its social page that Vékon Csongor, the capital president of the Movement, had been arrested.

As is known, Vékony painted the Ferencváros bench used for LGBTQ propaganda in national colors during his press conference held on July 13. The president was fingerprinted and photographed.

The Budapest organization of the Movement stated in the post that "we find it outrageous that Amnesty International, an extreme liberal NGO based in London, wants to interfere in Hungarian internal affairs to such an extent that it files a complaint against the leader of a parliamentary party in Budapest".

They added

"it is shocking that the Hungarian investigative authorities have been dealing with such an insignificant event, which cannot even be called a 'case', for several months".

They noted that "in some countries, such as the United States of America or our neighboring Romania, painting a bench in the colors of the country's flag would be recognized. In Hungary, interrogation and imprisonment due to reasonable suspicion of committing a crime for the free expression of opinion..." - they emphasized.

They filed a complaint against the charge, which will be judged by the Prosecutor's Office, the post revealed.

Source: Mandarin

Photo: András Éberling