The pressure of the LGBTQ lobby is no accident: the mutilation of the human body with hormones and surgeries is an amazing business - it was pointed out in the program - Mandiner .

"The most drastic intervention, for example, is the so-called "vaginoplasty", when the testicles of the male-to-female patient are removed, and an opening resembling a vagina is formed in its place by turning the penis, and labia minora and labia majora are formed with skin grafts" 

- reminds Chris Moritz in his program broadcast on the X page of the popular host Tucker Carlson.

Because, as Moritz points out on the air: both the number of interventions and the income of the industry began to grow by leaps and bounds. In 2018, a business of about 3 billion dollars will be 4.18 by 2022, according to their preliminary calculations

And by 2030, it will bring 7.5 billion to the kitchen (this is approx. 2,760 billion forints). "This figure is larger than the entire health budget of some African countries"  

notes Carlson.

Meanwhile, the number of people who identify as transgender has also doubled in the last ten years:

In 2011, there were 700,000 such persons in the United States, and by 2022 there were already 1.6 million such persons, already among those over 13 years old

they add.

The program also discusses whether it is decided at birth that a person is transgender; Moritz states in this regard,

"there is no scientific evidence to suggest that there is a gene, a chemical change, any somatic physical, biological element of transgenderism that has come to be known as gender dysphoria".

Meanwhile, there are not even clinical studies on the long-term effectiveness and side effects of these procedures, which can affect a person for life, especially if they are subjected to these interventions as children.

Like the aforementioned vaginoplasty, in which, according to a California study

in a quarter of the cases, very serious side effects occurred, which resulted in the affected person being hospitalized.

And not only the business, but also the political side of everything was discussed in the program: it is indicated that thanks to the healthcare reform called Obamacare, the proportion of transgender people increased by 50 percent between 2010 and 2016,

and Joe Biden's administration, he notes, "tacitly approved surgery on minors,

stating that a child often knows they are transgender from the moment they are able to express themselves”. There are currently 300,000 transgender juveniles, and this number has doubled in five years, the broadcast says. As well as: "if someone had told you 15 years ago that your ninth-grade daughter's classmates would be going to school dressed as drag, and that their teachers and their environment would encourage them to do so, you would have called them a perverted lunatic."

But this is the reality .

Cover photo: Tucker Carlson / MTI/Zsolt Szigetváry