Breaking down fences, many parts: We have known about Viktor Orbán for quite a few days that he traveled to Beijing, which is approximately 7,400 kilometers from Karmelita, but the geniuses of the moment - hand in hand with Hadházy - still wanted to hand over their demands to him.

Momentum activists broke the cordon at Karmelita for the umpteenth time on Wednesday morning. Ákos Hadházy talked about, among other things, the fact that the government has now admitted that the cordon was not built because of the construction, but "out of the Prime Minister's cowardice" for personal protection.

However, they failed to hand over the list of demands to the Prime Minister this time either. Telex says:

"according to the representative, the police told him that no one was in the building, so they could at best send the demands to the prime minister by post."

According to the findings of 444, this definitely did not appear to be an excuse: Viktor Orbán had traveled to Beijing, which is approximately 7,400 kilometers east of Karmelita, slightly southeast, a few days ago.

Zoltán Ceglédi, an analyst who can hardly be accused of being right-wing, expressed his opinion on all of this:

"For days now, the press has been full of Orbán being in Beijing. Photos, videos, memes," wrote Ceglédi on his Facebook page . "Then someone, I don't know who, will figure out that now we should go break the cordon, for the tenth time, by trying to hand over our 7 points to Orbán".

And there is no one, but no one who says, GUYS, IT'S IN CHINA”

Zoltán Ceglédi described the strangeness of the situation.

Featured image: Ákos Hadházy's Facebook page