Compared to previous years, the Consulate General of Hungary in Cluj-Napoca is preparing a more substantial and colorful offer for the commemoration on October 23, in partnership with the treasured city's civil organizations, historic Hungarian churches and Hungarian representation. Programs to be organized to commemorate the 1956 revolution surround the anniversary. Consul General Csaba Grezsa from Cluj spoke about the details.
When asked by Maszol, the head of the Hungarian Consulate General in Cluj-Napoca reiterated that the cooperation between the foreign representation in the mother country and local Hungarian organizations is based on a decades-old tradition, and that he takes it for granted that the consulate also gets involved in the organization of Hungarian holidays or commemorations.
"For years, we have been co-organizers of the series of events on October 23rd with the local civil organizations, historical Hungarian churches and, of course, the RMDSZ, which provides political and legal representation in Cluj-Napoca, as well as the series of events on March 15th, or the August 20th organized jointly with the Kincses Cluj-Napoca Association public holidays"
- emphasized Csaba Grezsa, adding that this year they are preparing a slightly larger program than in previous years. Before the commemoration on October 23, and in the following days, you can expect pre- and post-events, with which they try to appeal to all age groups of the Hungarian community in Cluj.
"We organize several programs together with the Petőfi Cultural Agency and the Chronicle Institute. What I would definitely highlight is the presentation of the Széchenyi Prize-winning historian Miklós Kun from 1956 at the House of Religious Freedom on October 22 at 5 p.m. This is an open program, anyone can come here, no prior registration is required. On October 23 at 1:00 p.m., professor Miklós Kun will give a lecture to university students at the Sapientia Transylvanian Hungarian University, also on this topic, and at that time prominent personalities from the circles of historians and experts in Cluj-Napoca and Transylvania will also speak, such as Jenő Murádin or Levente Benkő.
- pointed out the consul general.
The traditional ecumenical commemoration begins at the Unitarian church in the city center at 3:30 p.m., and from 5 p.m. the main drive is held at the '56 memorial on the promenade. Starting at 6 p.m., the rock opera Őrizd a lángot about the life of Ilona Tóth, organized jointly by the Consulate General of Cluj, the Petőfi Cultural Agency and the Chronicle Institute, can be seen at the Cluj-Napoca State Hungarian Theater as the "crowning of the day". Csaba Grezsa revealed that all the free tickets for the play were sold out, so the performance will definitely be played in front of a full house.
"1956. October 23rd primarily - let's put it this way - belongs to the Hungarians, but also to all freedom-loving peoples, including the Romanians and all the peoples of Central and Eastern Europe, we can talk here especially about the Poles, who from the beginning undertook solidarity with the cause of Hungarian freedom. I believe that October 23, 1956 is a moment, an event that unites everyone rather than separates them"
said the consul general.
The detailed program of the program series can be read here.
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