Aunt Anna Hideg, born in 1936 in Ördöngösfüzes, Mezős, acquired her extremely rich knowledge of folk poetry while still living in a traditional Transylvanian village.

Aunt Anna Hideg's repertoire of fairy tales was published in a new volume: a collection of her stories, fairy tales and fables was presented in Cluj-Napoca on Friday evening. A lot of people gathered at the Heltai FolkCenter for the event, after the book presentation, Aunt Anna Hideg sang and danced with the young people.

"There was a long bench in one of the streets. Those who couldn't fit brought a chair, but on Sunday afternoons all the women sat out there. I was a little girl with bare feet, I sat next to the old people and listened to what they were telling me."

Aunt Anna says in the video.

You're masturbating

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