If it serves their interests, the Jobbik-Conservatives want to make political gains through slip-ups. An example of this can be seen when I want to declare Christmas Eve as a public holiday, thereby amending Act No. 1 of 2012 on the Labor Code.
When submitting the bill, they referred to the support of the CÖF-CÖKA and the Egyenlő.hu trade union. The two organizations involved were never associated with the proposal submitted by the Jobbik-Conservatives.
We approached the working day of December 24 from a different direction. We saw that the time had come when we should ask the multinationals and large retail chains, as well as society, for a rest day for their employees.
This proposal serves the public good.
In today's inflationary and war situation, we sent a message to the food retail chains that they should make a gesture without a government decision,
announce a holiday for their employees of their own accord.
We note that, according to our information, the majority of the trade unions concerned agree with our idea.
We prioritized peace in the workplace by strengthening the family-centered ownership concept. With the support of the caring state, the owners of company networks interested in the food trade sector as employers, and the employees' families, they "row in the same boat" throughout the year. Their joint results affect the participants positively.
The Hungarian population is very likely to support the initiative, and will reconsider the timing of the holiday shopping, thus not jeopardizing the development of the annual income of the companies involved.
One day of shopping isn't the world, but one day more of being at home with the family can mean the world.
The food trade companies involved spend millions on advertising their products and building their brand. If their shops were closed on December 24th as a day of rest, they could express their appreciation to their employees in addition to their solidarity.
The gestural proposal does not require the amendment of the law in a difficult economic situation. We remind you that in a prosperous economic situation, according to the agreement with the trade unions, the government declared Pentecost a public holiday.
The management of CÖF-CÖKA and the modern trade union Egyenlő.hu
Cover photo: MTI/Zsolt Czeglédi