The Hungarian Countryside National 56 Organization announces a creative competition "What does 1956 mean to me?" with title. The goal of the organization is to carry on the spirit of 1956 and to cherish the memory of the heroes of 1956.

"We believe that the introduction of our national past, the education of patriotism, takes place not only within the walls of our institutions and on our public spaces, but also in homes." - they write in their statement.

The range and categories of applicants:

– Upper grade elementary school student (regardless of citizenship or place of residence.)

– High school student (regardless of citizenship or place of residence.)

Procedure of the application:

1. Read! Talk! Get inspired by the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle!

Do you know someone who personally experienced the events of the revolution? Is it one of your grandparents or a friend? Feel free to ask! Do you like to read? There are countless works of fiction that deal with this topic. We are also sure that the teachers also have a lot of information about this event. Talk about 56!


2. Create!

Could you write what 56 was like for you? Would you share with others what your grandparents and great-grandparents went through then? Would you write a poem? Would you tell it in a drawing, or would you rather paint a picture of the events? Do you feel that a photo or video would best express what you think of 56? Whatever technique you choose - short story, poem, fairy tale, drawing, painting, collage technique, digital drawing, photo, video, etc. - feel free to apply! We look forward to your work!


3. Your parents should send your work or a photo of it - or if you are over 14, you can send it yourself with their permission - to the following e-mail address: [email protected ]


4. Monitor your e-mail account at the specified time!



Written assignments can be written by hand or by type. Please send handwritten applications and works made with other techniques to the [email protected] .

During the internship or application, don't forget to enter your name and whether you go to elementary school or high school. Don't forget to indicate what grade you are in!

Selection of winners

In each category - upper elementary school, high school - we announce three prize winners from among the creators of the works deemed the best by the jury.

Members of the jury:

– National President Kornél Pintér (Hungarian Countryside National Organization 56)

- Dr. Szabón Eszter Jámbor, lawyer, writer, mother of a large family (

- Sándor Ferenc Mayer, history teacher, former political convict


  1. category (upper elementary school student)
  2. placed gift package worth HUF 30,000
  3. placed gift package worth HUF 25,000

III. placed gift package worth HUF 20,000

  1. category (secondary school)
  2. placed gift package worth HUF 30,000
  3. placed gift package worth HUF 25,000

III. placed gift package worth HUF 20,000

Gift packages include a shopping voucher and books.

Prizes will be delivered by post.


Submission deadline: December 6, 2023 (67th anniversary of the women's demonstration in Veszprém on December 6, 1956.)

Announcement of results: January 9, 2024 (the 66th anniversary of the martyrdom of Dr. Árpád Brusznyai, high school teacher and president of the Veszprém County National Revolutionary Council on January 9, 1958.)

Notification of successful applicants: Within 15 days after the announcement of results.

Delivery of prizes by post or, in the case of winners from Veszprém County, in person, no later than January 31, 2024.