The Romanian senator Diana Sosoaca, known for her extreme expressions, launched a political attack with the slogan "Székelyföld does not exist, Romania is indivisible". The politician and his party, the recently founded SOS Romania, declared solidarity "against provocations" in their resolution.  

Diana Șosoaca spoke in an aggressive, hysterical tone at the Bucharest upper house session on Monday, opposing the display of the Székely flag, questioned the existence of Székelyland, and then shouted and attacked the Romanian Hungarian Democratic Union (RMDSZ) faction. Due to the scandalous behavior of the Romanian politician, the session of the Senate was interrupted.   

Reacting to the anti-Hungarian outburst, RMDSZ senator Tánczos Barna stated: this community will continue to display the Székely flag in accordance with the law.

Every time our national and community symbols are attacked or the existence of Székelyföld is questioned, a part of the Hungarian community is attacked. When extremist organizations do this in parliament, the aim is to create ethnic conflict, the intention is to discredit the Hungarian community  

- said the Hungarian politician.

Barna Tánczos declared: the national and community symbols of Hungarians and Szeklers are not subject to debate. – The constitutional right of our community to express its identity and live it. We will continue to use the flag of Székelyföld, no matter who it bothers, because it is part of our identity. In the parliament and in all forums, we defend the interests of the Hungarian people and our symbols, even when extremist mood-mongers attack us with behavior unworthy of the Senate - the RMDSZ statement quoted the politician as saying.

After the parliamentary scandal, Tánczos drew attention to the need for rules in the Romanian Senate that promote democratic debate, rather than providing an opportunity for widespread stigmatization of a community.

Source: Hungarian Nation

MTI Photo: Balázs Mohai