It is worth noting that the police even deployed their emergency units to disperse the protesting crowd. In addition to Prime Ministers Péter Medgyessy and Adrian Nastase, the reception was attended by, among others, Attila Verestóy, senator of the RMDSZ, Foreign Minister László Kovács and former President Árpád Göncz.

On December 1, 2022, an unprecedented event took place in Budapest, as the then Prime Minister of Hungary, Péter Medgyessy, celebrated the annexation of Transylvania together with the Romanian Prime Minister Adrian Nastase at the Kempinski Hotel in Budapest, Mandiner reminds .

On December 1, 1918, in Gyulafehérvár, Hungary, the illegitimate assembly was held, where 1,228 people made a decision that the eastern territories of the Kingdom of Hungary, including the historical Transylvania, would "unite" with the Kingdom of Romania, so to speak. As a result of the territorial truncation finally approved by the Entente powers with the Trianon Dictate, an area larger than today's Hungary, 103 square kilometers, was transferred to Romania. recalls in a previous article: apart from the two prime ministers, the reception was attended by Attila Verestóy, senator of the RMDSZ, Minister of Foreign Affairs László Kovács and former president Árpád Göncz, among others, who

together they celebrated the annexation of a former Hungarian state territory larger than the current territory of our country.

It is worth noting that during the celebration in front of the Kempinski, a crowd of more than half a thousand demonstrated against the celebration of the secession of Transylvania from the early afternoon. MTI's contemporary report reveals that the police tried to disperse the crowd for a long time, which also deployed its emergency units against the protesters, who were mainly citizens of Budapest, who were only voicing their opinions.

Opening image: MTI/Lajos Soós