Carpe Deum is coming!

The program Carpe Deum will deal with important social issues from a Christian point of view., our country's new Christian public life portal, has been launched. We didn't have to wait long, now it turned out that Andrea Földi-Kovás is appearing on Axióma's website .

The program Carpe Deum will continue to deal with important social issues from a Christian point of view.

The title is not accidental, as it reflects that today's zeitgeist follows the principle of Carpe Diem, that is, it focuses on hedonism and pleasure.

The Axiom believes that the Christian faith is more than tradition or culture: it is a personal love relationship with God, from which actions start.

"We have to get out of our comfort zone, make our faith alive and active, take a bigger role in shaping public thinking and public morality. For God acts through us and in us"

they wrote.

You can view the recording here:

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