The question is: what would you do if someone stabbed your child or grandchild? Written by Károly Kövesdi.

At the first moment, the blood would flood his brain and he wants to take revenge. Which is natural, since anger and despair are human feelings. Just like the instinct to live and the desire for revenge. For example, three-quarters of the cultural products flooding the world are made in the world's biggest culture factory, the deified Hollywood brainwash. Last week in Dublin, an Arab man in his 40s who immigrated twenty years ago stabbed three small children and a woman. It is thanks to the presence of mind of the bicycle courier who was walking nearby (who hit the attacker in the head) that there was no bigger bloodbath. After the police took the culprit away, soon came the official "it's not certain that a terrorist act took place" kind of nonsense that we know so well.

That night, a few hundred angry Irishmen took to the streets, fed up with this wall-to-wall nonsense, and started smashing and smashing, while a few hundred policemen tried to calm them down.

About three dozen people were arrested. The joke came the next day: the prime minister, police chief and justice minister, who were outbidding each other, started mentioning the extreme right and radicalized masses in unison. Of course, the mainstream press also munched on the fact that the obstinate protesters were far-right and hooligans. And anyway. "We haven't seen scenes like this for decades, but it's clear that these people have been radicalized through social media and the Internet," the police officer said, adding that "after these events, we will have to face further demonstrations." If only not, we would say, if they didn't like to face reality. Then he pronounced the sentence: "we cannot allow the city to be taken over by gangsters, looters and arsonists".

According to the Irish Minister of Justice, the rioters could be sentenced to up to 12 years in prison.

Why can't I shake the thought that the savage who stabbed three children and a lady might get away with less?

And how did they try to appease the unfortunate parents who let the little ones go to school with the expectation that they would be in a good place? And why was the chief constable surprised that the Irish suddenly got fed up with foreigners flooding their streets, though not on the Internet (but for example in mosques, no-go zones and other cultural institutions) radicalized?

In recent months, many people have asked the question:

How long will the Swedes, the French, the Germans, the Austrians, and the Belgians tolerate that their political elite, which is detached from reality and peeks out at the world from an ivory tower, allows and even encourages more people of foreign religions and cultures to flood the cities, villages?

The answer was mostly that this will not end well, sooner or later the societies will revolt. Most people would have bet on the radicalization of the Germans, and lo and behold, here are the Irish! Everyone somehow forgot about the hard, stubborn, tried-and-tested nation. You could say: someone shot through the window of Dublin's ivory tower, and the politicians deigned to be surprised.

In the past few days, they also shot through the figurative window in the Netherlands, when a third of society voted for the anti-immigration (of course, nothing but far-right!) party of Geert Wilders without any prior notice. The mainstream press was on top of the situation in this case as well: the little Trumps of the Union were celebrating, they were angry when they thought of Viktor Orbán, Marine LePen or the representatives of the German AfD.

Comrade Frans Timmermans, the Green Socialist, who was already in the prime minister's seat in his imagination, has also expressed what he thinks about this.

"It doesn't matter where you were born. If you are fleeing war or violence, we welcome you to the Netherlands. That will never change.”

Comrade Timmermans, this will change sooner or later (and the sooner, the better, if it's not too late). It is true that the losers of the Dutch election (neo-Marxists, Greens, neo-liberals) will now join forces so that the winner does not win. This is the only way it's been going in Europe lately, whether it's Poland or, say, Spain. The right wing wins the elections, patriotism (far right in their reading) and the many geese form a government. Saint Martin knows what a scam this is.

Let us think of the hostages of Hamas. Their fighting style is like this: massacre civilians, then take innocent people, children, old people as hostages, and blackmail them.

The same thing happens in Europe, but the number of hostages here can be measured in millions, since, as we said, even if the patriots win, the Donald Tusks, Frans Timmermans, Guy Verhofstadts, Pedro Sánchez come and "settle" the democratic elections. Forced into the role of hostage, the European citizen looks at the whole thing like a calf at the new gate.

Featured image: MTVA