The latest domestic left-wing topic is euthanasia, and the siege is taking place on opposition channels and in press products.

The real siege is raging in the world between Russian-Ukrainian, Israeli-Palestinian, that is, between the terrorist organization Hamas and Israel, which was attacked. But Hungary is also at the center of a siege, the battle between false ideologies and protection of Christian values ​​is taking place, outside and inside.

The left-liberal intelligentsia and parties are under siege from within, Brussels and the entire Western media attack from the outside.

The latest domestic left-wing topic is euthanasia, and the siege is taking place on opposition channels and in press products.

The topic has been running on ATV for a long time, with the life and statements of a man suffering from slow deterioration, who was even brought to the parliament in a wheelchair. He has already turned to Strasbourg to change the laws, because the government is sticking to its position despite the siege, euthanasia is not allowed in Hungary. We can be sure that as long as this right-wing government is in power, it will never be allowed.

There is too much siege, too much pressure inside and outside, not only in this case, but the government is resisting. As Christians, we can say that a lot of prayer is needed for the government to withstand this pressure.

What are they referring to? In order to achieve their goal of changing the law, they want to influence emotions by referring to a false humanism. That is why the man in a wheelchair, who is waiting for a "dignified death", was brought into the parliament.

They call suicide a "dignified death", which they want to achieve with the involvement of doctors.

They appeal to "humanity" that Fidesz politicians should have gone to the sick man and spoken to him in a human way, promising to fulfill his wishes. They refer to "conscience", which should prompt them to finally say yes to the law. The reason for the right-wing government is "pro-life", which they mock.

From a Christian point of view, all this is impossible, because it is an artificial termination of life, as in the case of abortion.

The two biggest crimes of our time are abortion and euthanasia.

We received life from God and man cannot play God to intentionally extinguish it. Those who fight for the liberalization of abortion and euthanasia are fighting against God, only in their unbelief and false humanism they don't even know about it anymore. They call it "human rights", the right of "my body, my choice", and they have no idea that they are fighting against God, and they do not know that it is a sin.

The biggest problem of our time is that it no longer recognizes sin, because it wraps it in false ideologies and invents new words and phrases to cover it up.

They invented the concept of "hate speech", which is already punished in the West. What does not fit into the false ideologies of the age is hate speech, for which there is a penalty. Censorship, dismissal from the workplace, isolation, the slanderous activities of the media, fascism. Our right-wing government has already benefited from this: dismissal (from the European People's Party), withholding of money due to us, extortions (maybe they will trickle something down years later), attacks by the Western media (only bad things can be read about us), various labels applied to our government and our laws (dictator, fascist, homophobic).

Which, by the way, comes from the internal attack, since the opposition labels every Christian value protection law very skillfully.

Just to mention one, the child protection law was immediately called a homophobic law by this opposition, which spread in the Western press. Despite this, the government stands the siege, against the false LGBTQ ideology and homosexual propaganda.

They are also under siege by settling the migrant masses, but luckily the government also successfully averts the Islamic threat.

This is why we are not affected by the threat of terrorism, this is why Jews can live safely here, and this is why we do not have to be afraid of cutting down Christmas trees, as in the West, where they have to experience a series of attacks. It is surprising what the opposition does in the case of the national consultation questionnaires, which include the government's efforts to protect Christians, for which it expects support from us.

Those who support euthanasia, the false LGBTQ ideology, the resettlement of migrants, are either left-liberals or Christians with blurred vision.

Because there are also among Christians those who besiege the government because of laws protecting Christian values. These are the liberal Christians who are greatly mistaken and their faith is actually questionable, they preach a "different gospel".

Besieged Castle, Hungary! Let's pray for him!

"But there were false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you who will introduce dangerous heresies among you. With these, they deny the Lord who redeemed them, so they bring quick destruction upon themselves." (2 Peter 2:1)

Catherine the Spider

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