First Ferenc Krausz and then Katalin Karikó received the Nobel Prize in Stockholm.

The Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm on the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. The festive ceremony has already started, during which biochemist Katalin Karikó and physicist Ferenc Krausz also received the award.

The XVI. It is handed over by King Gusztáv Károly of Sweden at a fancy ceremony in the concert hall in Stockholm.

Katalin Karikó shares the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology with the American Drew Weissman for her discoveries that laid the foundation for the development of mRNA-based vaccines.

Physicist Ferenc Krausz shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with two French scientists, Pierre Agostini and Anne L'Huillier, for his experimental methods of producing attosecond light pulses for studying the movement of electrons within atoms.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Literature, as well as the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics will also be awarded at the ceremony. This year's award will be presented in front of 1,560 people in Stockholm, where the Swedish royal family and the president of the parliament have already arrived, with whom Katalin Karikó is sitting.

The awards are presented personally by the King of Sweden, Ferenc Krausz was the first Hungarian to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Katalin Karikó also received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which she received for her mRNA research. This also made it possible to develop a vaccine against the coronavirus, with which millions of people worldwide were successfully vaccinated.


Featured image: Participants at the 2023 Nobel Prize ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall on December 10, 2023. MTI/Koszticsák Solid