Brussels would allow NGOs an ever-increasing say in the shaping of the rule of law mechanism, thus giving more and more significant power to non-governmental organizations, who would thus – as unelected actors – participate with significant influence in the shaping of national political events, enforcing the will of György Soros.

Putting NGOs in a decision-making role means eliminating popular sovereignty. This eliminates the democratic principle that the source of all power is the people, who exercise this power exceptionally directly through their elected representatives - according to the latest analysis of the Századvég Foundation.

It is clear that the undefined concept of the rule of law, without universal consensus, has been removed from the aegis of law by Brussels and is being used as a political blackmail tool against countries that do not agree with the ideology of open societies.

The EU's attacks on our country referring to the rule of law began with the Sargentini report, and then took shape in the 2020 and 2021 rule of law reports. In relation to last year's document, Justice Minister Judit Varga said, "the report was actually written by organizations that are part of a centrally financed international network conducting a coordinated political campaign against Hungary. The Hungarian chapter of the report refers to 12 NGOs. Of these, 11 NGOs have received financial support in recent years from the Open Society Foundations [OSF] linked to György Soros.”

NGOs shape the image of the member states not only in the answers they give during the preparation of the rule of law reports, but also in the documents they prepare themselves that precede the country reports. In their material published this summer, they paid special attention to Poland and Hungary, since, according to them, the rule of law is "systematically and continuously undermining the rule of law" in the two states.

They criticize the EC's report, as it deals with the situation of all countries to the same extent, but the Polish and Hungarian governments "require special attention".

In the direction of the two countries - in perfect accordance with the Brussels narrative - homophobic accusations were leveled, which in the case of our country was caused by the changes noticeable in the media resulting from the amendment of the Child Protection Act. According to the organization, the independence and operation of civil organizations are increasingly under threat and are under serious pressure.

Brussels would grant ever wider powers to NGOs. This is also part of the intervention attempts that Soros and the EU are conducting against nation states.

Brussels wants the Soros-NGOs to give an opinion on the state of the rule of law in a country and for them to decide whether things are going well - not for the people and the politicians they have elected.

The European Court of Justice therefore wants a continuous dialogue with the non-governmental organizations who, representing the position of György Soros and operating on his money, are launching a series of political attacks wrapped in legal garb against countries that reject migration, LGBTQ propaganda and an open society.

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