The Dutch couple now lives on a farm near Ruzsa.

Dutch tattoo artist Samantha Wulfsen and her husband decided in 2020, in the middle of the coronavirus epidemic, to exchange the peaceful small town of Zutphen for an even more peaceful farm near Ruzsa due to a TV show about Hungary and the over-regulation of everyday life in the Netherlands, Délmagyar reports .

The woman told the newspaper that when they built their house in the Netherlands, they were not satisfied because there were so many regulations. So when they finished the project, they felt it wasn't their home.

This happened in 2017. Before that, we saw a program about Hungary on Dutch TV. We started looking for real estate and fell in love with this farm. We moved to Hungary with my husband and our dogs in the fall of 2020 in the middle of the coronavirus epidemic

Samantha Wulfsen recalled the beginnings.

A yurt was built in the yard of the farm on the edge of the forest, a few kilometers from Ruzsa. This is the guest room and Samantha's workshop. They don't speak much Hungarian, but they can only say good things about the locals, as well as the Hungarian cuisine.

The Samantha's were looking for a place where they could live quietly, more simply and sustainably, close to nature. They were enthusiastic and naive, they wanted to grow what they ate, but the crops ended up being eaten by insects. Speaking of other challenges of farm life, it turned out that there is no electricity or water on the farm. I've had a solar panel for two years, and it's a little easier since then, but the shower is still in the yard, where the water is heated with gas.

When asked if this is not a step back compared to a comfortable Dutch life, they answered that for them it is more of a mental step forward.

Featured image: 11.12.2023. The Dutch tattoo artist Samantha Wulfsen moved to Ruzsa / Photo: János Török TJ DM Délmagyar