The XXI. The man of the 20th century became individual and selfish, his thinking took a materialistic direction, even though beautiful experiences make us truly rich - emphasized Csaba Böjte in an interview with The Franciscan monk has already preached in prisons and in football stadiums, and on the second day of Christmas in Gyergyószentmiklós, he will hold a thanksgiving mass in the ring of the Godakó Ökölvivő Stadium, because the students of the Szent Ferenc Foundation of Déva have scored a point in the junior world championship.

"How did you prepare for the holidays?"

We received a car from Fővárosi Nagycircusz, which we decorated as a moving nativity scene. In search of accommodation for the holy family, we traveled around Transylvania with it and took it to Hungary as well, our journey was about hope, which ended on December 23 in Budapest, where we dismantled the nativity scene and gave a piece to everyone present so that they could take it home and experience the joy of welcoming the holy family .

- It's an uplifting thought, but the shopping frenzy often overrides the essence of the holiday.

"Thinking took a very material direction, though."

beautiful experiences make us truly rich.

There is a prison next to Deva where women are held, a few years ago we visited the prisoners with a busload of children, we sang Christmas carols to them, I also preached a bit, and then the young people handed over the gifts. Well, it turned into such a cry that even the prison warden wiped his eyes.

– What surprised the children this year?

"Every year, we try to give a lasting gift that will not be destroyed by rust or eaten by moths."

The XXI. century man became individual and selfish.

We can't enjoy the success of others, we can't push each other, we can't encourage each other. I was thinking about how I could at least teach this to our children. It turned out that 99 percent of them had never been to a major football match in a big stadium. That is why I went to Sepsiszentgyörgy and asked Mr. László Diószegi, the director of Sepsi OSK Arena, to

let's organize a championship, Southern Bell Ring Cup.

We also invited teams from Romania, Hungary, Serbia and Székely. There were a total of 2,500 children in the arena and the crowd. After the semi-final

we held mass right in the middle of the stadium,

this was followed by the final. The trophy was presented to the champion by a knight dressed in armor playing János Hunyadi. Our children, soccer players and fans also had a very special experience. I also asked the drivers whether they go to mass regularly. One of the men was good-humored when he confessed that "father, we are not ultras in the church."

We gave the football players a Holy Mass, the children a football match,

so everyone got a nice present. All the members of the very mixed congregation participated in the ceremony, we prayed together, not only for soccer matches and soccer players, but also for sports and for Christmas to bring gifts to humanity that will truly make us richer.

"Do you still play football?"

– I already do less sports over the age of 65, but at that time I skied and, of course, played soccer. Lately

I also say mass in the ring,

the year-end thanksgiving mass will also be held in the ring on December 26 in Gyergyószentmiklós at the Godakó Ökölvivő Stadium.

"It's quite an extreme location..."

– Our Lord Jesus Christ was born in a stable, and he was certainly not chosen, he fulfilled all invitations. Even today, he stands at the door and knocks, whoever opens his heart, his life, enters with love and kindness.

– How did you come into contact with boxing as a Franciscan monk?

- During the pandemic, there were 108 children in a close family circle in Déva. You couldn't go out, but you could box. A great coach took care of the boys, we organized boxing camps in nice silence in our closed state and achieved very serious results. Two of our young people made it to the Junior World Championship in Yerevan this year and they certainly got points! Nearly two hundred children attend various boxing training sessions.

– Sport develops my character, teaches me to fight fairly.

"Of course it is!" I also support soccer and boxing. In sports, there is no such principle that the poor little orphans must be given this and that, they have to fight for success there. Today's man needs exactly this to gain his faith and trust in himself and to achieve realistic results on this earth.

- You are a true traditionalist, yet a humorous, modern pastor. Where does this duality come from?

- I can't be too serious, I usually have to hold the attention of three to four hundred children at the same time, otherwise the church will be torn apart. Something twisted, a story, something cheerful has to be included in the sermons.

I consciously try to keep user-friendly reflections,

because if there are no poppy seeds, walnuts or raisins in the cake, people don't like it.

The full interview can be read by clicking HERE

Cover photo: István Biró | Source: MTI/MTVA