The antidote to progressives is for right-wing nationalists not to remain silent, even if it takes courage to stand up to the loud madness of the woke.

The Director General of the Center for Fundamental Rights gave a major interview to the American FOX News Radio about Hungarian conservatism, the successes of our country's migration policy, border protection, and how the Hungarian right is fighting against the federal plans of Brussels, and why it is dangerous that Western European elites turn a blind eye to migration above in exchange for the votes of illegal immigrants.

The world around us went crazy and turned to Woke," said Miklós Szánthó during the prime time of one of America's biggest radio stations at Christmas.

In the conversation, he emphasized that "Hungary, the Hungarian conservative revolution, is made special by the fact that we still adhere to common sense, to the values ​​of God, country and family."

In response to popular accusations, the director general said, "of course we are part of the West, only we have remained normal." In the spirit of this, in Hungary "we protect our Judeo-Christian heritage, we stand up for national identity and state sovereignty, and of course we try to protect children and families from gender madness."

According to Szánthó, the most important question or struggle is what we are fighting for our sovereignty against the "deep state" in Brussels these days.

"You also have your deep state in Washington and the federal government, we also have ours in Brussels, in the European Union," he drew a parallel between the bureaucracy in Washington and Brussels. He pointed out that the people of Brussels have broken away from the ideas of the founders of the European Union and want to create a political union that wants to take more and more powers away from the member states and destroy their sovereignty.

However, despite this, we do not want to leave the Union, like the British: "we want to occupy Brussels", he said.

Miklós Szánthó also said in the program that border protection is also a safeguard against illegal migration and the spread of anti-Semitism. He explained that the Western European elites are permissive about migration because they want mixed-ethnic states "from the Portuguese to Lithuania" and hope for votes from the immigrants they let in.

The director-general sees the antidote that can be used against the progressives in the fact that right-wing, nationalistic people do not remain silent, since the lesson of the entire Hungarian story is that it takes courage to act against the loud madness of the woke: "You have to be brave and you shouldn't to listen, because this is exactly what the progressive ideology and this progressive totalitarian behavior want to achieve," he emphasized, and added that the Hungarian right wants to be the engine for the realization of the liberals' nightmare and for common sense to return to its rightful place in politics.

Cover photo: Miklós Szánthó