On the first day of the year, the M5 cultural channel will present the educational film "Descendants of the Huns", which explores the Hun-Hungarian-Mongol kinship and the common historical past. In the show, archaeological finds, experts and colorful dramatized scenes show us the common, ancient origin.

With the help of the Hungarian ambassador in Ulaanbaatar, historian, ethnographer and orientalist Borbála Obrusánszky, an expert on the descendants of the Huns, viewers of M5 can get a deeper insight into the past of our ancestors. The special feature of the film is that it not only recalls the past, but also presents living traditions and customs. The dramatized, costumed scenes fill the story with life, evoking the times when the roots of the kinship between the Huns, Hungarians and Mongols were formed.

The film of the M5 cultural channel depicts the mysterious Hun people in an innovative way, whose role in Europe was of world historical significance, but at the same time we still don't know their language. Descendants of the Huns also offers viewers a unique opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the intertwining of ancient cultures with the help of experts and marvel at the diversity of history.

Hun descendants on January 1 at 8 p.m. on M5.

Source: hirado.hu

Cover photo: Gyula László: Sleepy