From January 1 this year, the amount of the language exam subsidy will increase, announced Zsófia Nagy-Vargha, the Deputy Secretary of State responsible for youth at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation. Young people can claim back up to HUF 66,700 from the price of the language exam.

Those who have not yet reached the age of 35, or who are older than 35, but as parents with children receive csed, gyed or gyes, or grandparents who are at home with their grandchildren and receive grandparent's allowance are eligible for the subsidy.

The support can be used for the fee of the first successful complex intermediate level (B2), higher level (C1, C2) general or specialized language exam, or the first high-level baccalaureate exam in a foreign language.

The amount can be reclaimed from the Hungarian State Treasury within one year from the date of issue of the language test certificate. The deputy state secretary also mentioned that more than 170,000 language examinees have applied for the support available since January 1, 2018, worth almost HUF six billion.


Cover image: Illustration: MTI/Noémi Bruzák