Why does an aggressive minority provoke the majority by occupying public spaces with religious symbols? Mandiner drew attention to the registration of the Hungarian Atheist Society (MATT) . MATT wrote this in response to the fact that

On December 31, at six o'clock in the morning, the police station in Kunszentmiklós received a report: the statue of Mary in Dunavecs had been vandalized again.

For the first time, in May 2023, the statue of the Queen of Peace, erected not long before, was smashed beyond recognition. Its creation Dunavecse , Father Gergő Bese, with his own money, out of gratitude for his ten years of priestly service. Then only the hand of the statue remained intact.

After that, the work was re-created on a community initiative and with the financial support of the parliamentary faction of the Kszůz mDNP, which was put back in its original place on December 28. The plan was that on January 1, the World Day of Peace, which is the feast day of Mary's motherhood in the Catholic Church, Balázs Bábel, Archbishop of Kalocsa-Kecskemét, would bless the statue in a ceremonial setting and pray for peace. This was preceded by the New Year's Eve vandal campaign.

What is known about MATT is that the company was unofficially founded in 2014 as an atheist advocacy group. MATT was officially registered by the Capital Court in 2019 as a non-profit association, and its Facebook page has 4,600 followers.

Moreover, the sentence posted by MATT does not show any kind of sympathy, tolerance, or seriousness, it essentially suggests a tacit agreement with the attackers. With this

the Hungarian Atheist Society enrolled in the club of modern, western left-wing barbarians, among the representatives of the abolitionist culture.

Because if the sight of the Mária statue in Dunavecce is so unbearable for the body, then how well can the St. Gellért statue of Mária-szobszúza Gellérthegy, the Matthias Church, the St. István Basilica, the Heroes' Squares, or just everything the statue of St. John of Nepomuk in the village and on the highway, or just the roadside crosses?

And behold a miracle: this group of atheists has problems

Cover photo: Commemoration next to the repeatedly damaged Queen of Peace in Dunavecs on January 1, 2024 / Béla Cseh's Facebook page

Father Gergő Bese: It is difficult to find words, our hearts are breaking