Both Madéfalva and Marosvásárhely will be commemorated on Sunday on the 260th anniversary of the bloody historical event that led to the calvary of the Szeklers of Bukovina.

The Madéfalva municipality organized a multi-day series of events in view of the anniversary. After Sunday's commemoration, a festive meeting of the National Association of Bukovina Székelys will be held in the Székelyföld settlement, reports MTI.

Prior to this, on Friday evening "Dodging the Csángós" will be held in the cultural center, while on Saturday there will be a traditional horse pilgrimage on the Széplak-Madéfalva route.

On Sunday, local time, there will be a mass at the Siculicidium chapel dedicated in honor of St. Anna from 10 a.m., while from 11:30 a.m. there will be a memorial ceremony and wreath-laying at the memorial. In the afternoon, after the festive meeting of the National Association of Bukovina Székelys, the association's presentation Thanksgiving .

On Sunday, starting at 6 p.m., the Székely National Council (SZNT) will also commemorate the disaster in Madefalv on its 260th anniversary in Marosvásárhely. With the event organized annually since 2011, the SZNT reminds

"that the Siculicidium was the bloody conclusion of a two-year heroic struggle against the strongest empire in Europe"

- they wrote in their statement sent to MTI. Siculicidium is the Latin name for the danger in Madefalvi, meaning Székely murder.

The commemoration will be held in the main hall of the Palace of Culture, the event will be colored by the Maros Art Group's entitled "Someone is walking on the trees..." and the performance of the artist Ilka Kilyén.

On Sunday, it will be 260 years since, on January 7, 1764, the Austrian military massacred the Székely people of Csíki who had gathered in Madéfalva and were protesting against border patrols.

After that, the mass emigration of the Szeklers to Moldavia began, where the Csangós gave them shelter.

Featured image: Albin Gábos/Maszol