Michel gave such an assist to Viktor Orbán that the Brussels institutional system ran screaming as one man to the goal. Written by Mátyás Kohán.

I have always said that European Council President Charles Michel's visit to Budapest in December was more than mere protocol whining.

The Belgians and Austrians are the biggest Hungarians in the European Union, if they show up somewhere, no stone will be left unturned.

And here it is - Michel gave Viktor Orbán such a goal assist that the Brussels institutional system ran screaming as one man to the goal.

It happened that the president of the European Council, who has been reigning since 2019, wants to spend the next five years between the shiny glass walls of the European Parliament, i.e. he will not be able to fulfill his mandate until the end of November. The European Parliament, elected in June, must meet in mid-July, and then there will be no Hadházy-style snobbery, as in hybrid plebiscite leader election spin-dictocracies. Whoever is elected as an EP representative is, from then on, incompatible with any other EU stall.

God willing, between mid-July and the end of November, Hungary will hold the presidency of the European Council.

Thus, the president of the European Council would be the worthy prime minister of our country, Orbán, who is deservedly popular in Brussels. Petőfi's ominous prediction was read on the subject in the capital of the Union: "Orbán was a gloomy, sullen man / Although such a cheerful dawn was blushing on his nose." They are also afraid.

They lack nothing more than the Hungarian Prime Minister leading the meetings of the European heads of government according to the agenda drawn up by the Hungarian presidency, with János Bóka on the right, stifling his laughter at the cost of bitter agony.

And this will happen if the European leaders do not rush to find a successor to Michel in their skinny blanc bleu belge gallop. Which is not an easy business, because the president of the European Council - as one of the three big bosses of the European Union at all times - is usually the subject of bloody horse-trading after the EP elections. You can imagine how serious the compulsion to compromise can be, if the result of the three presidential elections so far was a colorless and odorless Belgian, and once the only Central European leader who speaks his mother tongue with a German accent.

(The person currently works as the Polish Prime Minister, I recommend listening to his year-end greeting - it really is as if Olaf Scholz had read a phonetically written Polish text.)

So, either the European prime ministers will complete the work in half a year in advance, which used to take them months even after the EP elections, or Viktor Orbán will do in Brussels what only Zoltán Ceglédi dared to do in Budapest: He will hold an independent evening entitled President of the Council. Of course, despite the fears of the Brussels establishment, Viktor Orbán will not even break through the tooth enamel of the European mainstream during a maximum five-month presidency, let alone get to the root.

But the world will be a little different if, for half a year, it is not simply the Hungarian ministries that say what will be discussed in the European Council, but the Prime Minister even shares the floor for all of this.

They would learn to fear the humor of the almighty God in Brussels, that's for sure.

Because even if the craft of foreign policy is not in our blood like other neighboring peoples, it is impossible not to see that the Lord is with the Hungarians in times of need.

So the Hungarian Prime Minister can play high-risk games, the Creator only reaches out sometimes when it is really needed.

Last December, when we were about to be confused with all kinds of corruption accusations, the worst corruption scandal in the history of the European Parliament broke out - and thus the EP was able to keep its mouth full of Qatari money shut until the Commission accepted the Hungarian recovery plan. Then, even before the decisions concerning Hungarian funds due at the end of last year, he arranged the stars in such a way that 10.2 billion euros would have to be given to us. Now he has turned the tables on Charles Michelle - God forbid, this is happening for the first time in history when we are successive presidents.

After the Poles, as the second Central European nation to provide a council president - well, the national one would be a lot of fun, but the fact that the possibility arose at all.

Dear Almighty, I see that you play golf in Brussels in your spare time. Don't stop! A pleasure to watch.


Cover photo: Viktor Orbán answers questions from the press in Brussels
Source: miniszterelnok.hu