In Subcarpathia, settlements inhabited by Hungarians are regularly closed, and everything passing through is searched, there is a wife who has not known anything about her husband, who was taken by force since November.

Forced queuing continues in Ukraine. More and more people are looking for their missing male family members, because after they are abducted from the street, their phones are also taken so that they cannot notify their relatives. More and more amateur videos of forced queues can be seen on the Internet.

The News of M1 presented a video, which was recorded in a grocery store in Rivne, and on which it can be seen that soldiers are trying to forcefully drag away a man who is trying to escape from their clutches.

The young man shouts that they should call the police, because according to the law, only they have the right to get anyone certified. After this does not happen, the man tries to escape between the lines, but without success, and is finally caught.

In Odessa, the recruiters used crowded public transport. Sections of the road are closed and then random checkpoints are set up. All conscripts of military age are forcibly removed from the stopped buses and trams.

The situation is no better in Transcarpathia.

Settlements inhabited by Hungarians are regularly closed, and everything passing through is searched. This week, the district of Beregsász was also surprised by armed uniformed men looking for conscripts. Some have been searching for their missing husband for months.

"My husband was taken last November, his phone was turned on once for 15 minutes after he disappeared. With the help of a lawyer, they managed to find out so much that they started proceedings against him, because he allegedly tried unsuccessfully to escape from them to Romania. At the moment, I do not know where my husband is, the authorities do not even respond to my lawyer's request, so I am turning to Volodymyr Zelensky as the guardian of the constitution: help me find my husband!" said a desperate woman.

Due to the huge military losses in Ukraine, which, according to the former minister of the interior, exceeded half a million people, they are tightening up the mobilization.

Shocking recordings are posted on the Internet where those serving at the front, including conscripts of Hungarian origin, talk about their situation.

"We have been here for five days, I am here in this one pit. My friend died. Here. It's already dead. And a lot of drones. Thank God, I also got one (…) here (while pointing to the hole in his helmet - ed.), but thank God it didn't go through," said a soldier of Hungarian origin in a recording of himself.

In the meantime, the Kyiv parliament has already voted on the law on the electronic registration of conscripts, and in the next few days the new mobilization law may be adopted, which threatens to deprive those who do not appear before the conscripts of their civil rights.

"Those who do not show up for data reconciliation are the first to receive a fine. On the other hand, those who have already passed the military medical examination and were deemed fit, and then do not appear again for service in front of the military auxiliaries, may receive a prison sentence of 3 to 5 years, based on Chapter 335 of the Criminal Law Act," said a lawyer. .

In Ukraine, martial law and the accompanying military mobilization are extended every three months. The authorities will now have access to the personal data of all men between the ages of 17 and 60, stored in various databases.


Cover photo: Ukrainian soldier during a pause in the fighting with Russian forces in the Donetsk region
Source: MTI/AP/Libkos